Mar 20, 2012

Nine Stradivari and Amati Violins in The Theater on The Vrijthof

Exceptional! Nine Stradivari and Amati Violins
In The Theater on The Vrijthof

The representative of the Stravidari Foundation from the Italian Cremona, Fausto Cacciatori, is fully enjoying the dress rehearsal of the Amati Ensemble. Simultaneously he keeps an eye on all the violins placed on the edge of the stage. Logically, these are the nine violins from the 16th and 17th century built by the supreme gods of violin makers. An Amati and even a Stradivari. The later, the student, became even a more famous student, and you never leave them behind. Not only because of the tremendous value of the instruments, but also out of respect for these wonders of the music culture. In the meantime, the Amati Ensemble is playing all the stars from the heavens. At least for the untrained ears of your Maastricht reporter. The members of the ensemble are all very selfcritical. Frequently interrupting their rehearsal and with short powerful means and a smile here and there, taking corrective measures. And then to again have beautiful sounds echo throughout a now empty Vrijthof theatre. Gil Sharon the leader of the Amati Ensemble ensures that everything remains under control. 

This evening, the Amati Ensemble will present a special concert in connection with the 25th anniversary of the TEFAF (The European Fine Arts Fair) on these exceptional instruments. Under which an Amati from 1615 and a Stradivari, belonging to André Rieu from 1667. Maastricht Aktueel fotographer Laurens Bouvrie watched a committed group rehearse. Tonight a full Theater on the Vrijthof will be enjoying the Amati Ensemble, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. So, a double reason to celebrate.
Thanks to John and Ineke for this

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