May 26, 2012

André Rieu in Sao Paulo Brazil

André is Now in Brazil! 
As we all saw on André's Twitter he is in Brazil now!  Suely from Sao Paulo went over to the Venue today and took the two pictures below. They were working on getting the stage set up. This will be his home for 20 Concerts!! Brazil is getting very excited ...


  1. Krystyna grunberg26 May, 2012

    Fans of Brasil. The expectation is great. Finaly we will see Andre in our country.
    We are expecting greats shows. Andre congratulations to you and JSO , for 25 years .
    That's is fantastic.

  2. I don't think it is only the fans getting excited. I think Andre and the JSO have been looking forward to this trip and these concerts for a very long time too!
    I wish everyone a fantastic time, and look forward to seeing pics and reports of what will be the most incredible and amazing concerts!

  3. Estou ansiosa para revê-lo dia 1º no Ginásio do Ibirapuera.
    Já o assisti,em Maastricht,em 2007.
    Quanta saudade...
    Dias maravilhosos no nosso Brasil!
    Sou Belo-horizontina.
    Celeste Rabello
