May 26, 2012

Only three nights! Until Tuesday!
See Message and Photo on André's Twitter

First night there and Brazilian Fan Silvana Lucato got her picture with him!
(Picture from The Harmony Parlor on Facebook)


  1. Linda Myatt26 May, 2012

    What a lucky lady!

    Linda Myatt

  2. Yes, lucky lady, Silvana! I'm sure you'll remember this for a VERY long time. You both look great! André is noticeably thinner in this pic...has he lost even more weight?

    To all who are attending the Brazilian concerts, enjoy them to the fullest. You have waited a very long time!

  3. I would tresure that picture forever. You ARE a VERY lucky lady.
    He does look thin. Hope he's not overdoing the diet and exercise. Evidently, he feels great--that is what counts.

  4. BRIGITTE27 May, 2012

    Magnifique photo ANDRE RIEU forme pour ses concerts quel BONHEUR POUR CE PEUPLE si patient QUE DES SUCCES à VOUS Saluez mes divas préférees CARMEN&CARLA

  5. Fátima - Portugal27 May, 2012

    Maestro looks fantastic and very happy! Goodluck to the next tour in Brazil.

  6. What a great photo - Andre looks so fit and well and Silvana looks soooooo happy, as you would be - lucky girl !!!
    cheeRIEU from val :)
