May 27, 2012

André Rieu Performs in Domingao in Brazil Today!
André and ther JSO were on BRAZILIAN TELEVISION today ... May 27, 2012: Presentation of the conductor André Rieu and his orchestra in Domingao Faustao on May 27th where he presented, among other things, the success of "oh if I Caught You." 
 Click HERE To See Full Show  Click HERE To See Them Play "Have You Been to Pego" 


  1. Too bad we could not understand what the host was saying to Andre and vice versa.
    He looks great.

  2. Anonymous28 May, 2012

    I didn't see Jennifer Kowalski in the JSO.

    I would think Carmen and Carla were his musical consultants for Brazilian songs.

    Al Girard

  3. Carol Malvern UK28 May, 2012

    It is wonderful that Andre looks so well and is obviously going to have a ball in Brazil. I am sure the sunshine ,food and lovely people will ensure tis tour is succesful. It is great that all the concerts are in one venue so less tiring.

    Carol Harwood
