Aug 6, 2012

Happy "Fifth" Birthday To The Harmony Parlor!

The Harmony Parlor Is Five Years Old Today!
We Opened The Parlor August 7, 2007
I chose this picture that was taken in Maastricht 2009 as it was the only time that all of us were together as a group. You all have seen the "nice" picture of this that we have posted many times. But in getting that "nice" picture it took several pictures to get that perfect one. This is one of the funny ones that shows you what was going on. Laughing, talking, and not paying attention to what camera we were suppose to be looking at. It was a lot of fun with good friends ... 
Sonja who started it all with her Translations and then passed the baton on to me to start the Harmony Parlor when she no longer had the time to keep up with her Translations. John, who is my partner on the Harmony Parlor and does all of our Translations which without, The Parlor would not be what it is. And Ineke and Ruud who run the Movie (video) Fansite from Holland and send us so many articles from Europe that John Translates so that all of us who speak English can read. 
And last, but far from least ... Jann, who ran the Aussie Site for over two years. She and I worked together sharing our news and photos with our two Fansites. Ours from Europe and hers from Australia. 
We have all worked in Harmony to make The Parlor what it is today ... We're a Team of friends that love doing it ... and we have the best fans in the world who love sharing their photos and concert experiences that also is a big part of it all. So ...


  1. Happy Birthay Harmony Parlor !
    congratulations for all that you bring to all.
    Catherine Crapart

  2. I remember when I first discovered the Translations site in Sep 2006, I as a new kid in town received warm welcome from Sonja and Laurie, and since the birth of Harmony Parlor, the updates we got on anything Andre Rieu were just amazing, sooo efficient thanks to the team work among our web hosts. Happy Birthday Harmony Parlor!

  3. Eri
    Sue,John,Ineke and Ruud Thank you for hard efforts and work!!

  4. Lana, Tasmania07 August, 2012

    Happy Birthday Harmony Parlor. Like so many others, when I was a new fan I spent an entire weekend reading everything I could find on Translations, Harmony Parlor and the Movie site. I couldn't get enough information. I was absolutely thrilled to find these sites and thank you all, again and again, for looking after the fans so extremely well.

  5. Happy Birthday, my dear friends! All the best to you! Love and happiness to you all!
    Nathalie Lamont

  6. Moira from Scotland07 August, 2012

    Happy Birthday Harmony Parlor!! What would we do without you bringing all the news on our wonderful Maestro and everything else. Thank you so much for the past 5 years and here's to many more!

    Best regards

  7. Martine Calvinhac: France07 August, 2012

    Thank you a thousand times, Sue for the wonderful job that you provide for to put life in this website .Thank you Sonja for to have been at the start of this wonderful adventure. Thank you to John who does the translations and thank you Ruud and Ineke for joining the "Harmony Parlor"boat. Thank you all, who for five years, have offered so many photos, reports and passionate exchanges. We are all united in the same admiration of André and his music, we became the Harmony Parlor's family Thank you with all my heart♥♥♥ Martine

  8. Mother Superior07 August, 2012

    HB2U, HB2U, HBdHP, HB2U!. Thank you so much for all you do Sue and John, with the help and support of Ineke and Ruud, and the inspiration of Sonja, and of course the Aussie input from our Jann! You RIEU-lly are a great team.

  9. Happy Birthday Harmony Parlour!

    thank you everyone for all you do for Andre and JSO fans. You are the first sites I visit each time I open my computer. Fab info, fab pics and absolutely fab people who do so much for us fans. Thank you muchely.
    Sue McCabe xxxxx

  10. Congratulations to you all for doing a sterling job. Long live the Parlor!

    From Entia on an icy cold Gauteng East Rand in South Africa, where it's actually snowing at the moment!

  11. Happy Birthday to the Harmony Parlor and congratulations on this great website- thank you thank you thank you!
    Jennifer D.

  12. Carol Malvern UK08 August, 2012

    Happy 5th Birthday to you all on the Harmony Parlor. The joy you bring to us all is wonderful always positive and caring. Thank you and I look forward to the next twenty years.
    Carol H Malvern UK

  13. Fátima - Portugal08 August, 2012

    Happy Birthay Harmony Parlor!
    Thank you for all news you give us about André and JSO.
    Long life to all of you.

  14. HAPPY BIRTHAY TO YOU "team HARMONY PARLOR"avec mon anglais de débutante je vous remercie pour vos reportages & nouvelles dANDRE RIEU& jos&des solistes que ns aimons tantFelicitations à SUSAN pour son BABY& sa carriere solo comme MIRUSIA
    merci de tout coeur
    Brigitte de FRANCE

  15. This birthday greeting is several days late but I wish to convey my heartfelt thanks to all who work tirelessly to keep the Harmony Parlour so interesting and informative. Happy Birthday Harmony Parlour and may you have many many Happy Birthdays. I love this site.
    Lois Little, Australia.

  16. Happy Birthday to a great site.


  17. Happy birthday to HP. A massive thank you to Sue & John for making it the BEST (along with movies) site for AR fans the world over. Thanks to Ineke & Rudd, without there input, we would not get to read all those fabulous Dutch articles that John spends his time translating for us all to enjoy. Keep up the great work, it is appreciated very much the world over.
