Sep 1, 2012

André Rieu Concert in France

"Three Charlie's Angels" mission in the Land of Gones
It's in a beautiful sunny afternoon that found us in the country of Gones, Lyon. Lugdunum, its Latin name, is a beautiful city with its famous Place Bellecour, its Traboules (narrow streets and passageways that run through the old town). 
It is also known for its many culinary specialties including Rosette de Lyon, the Bugnes. Lyon is rich in history. One example this was the city of the Canuts and their art of weaving: brightly colored silks and jacquards famous to the name of the inventor of the loom: Joseph Marie Jacquard Charles and don't forget Guignol the famous puppet will delight young and old alike since its inception in 1808. 
Here we are, "Three Charlie's Angels" ready to fulfill their mission: The First Concert of the French tour of Andre Rieu. Small passage for the Lidia's pleasure: finally to see the André Rieu bus, click click!! Photos and then we are with 4000 others waiting to enter into "Halle Toni Garnier". We come from all over France, but also, Malta "Hello Anna and Joe ... "Poland" Hello Lidia "and Spain: many buses were chartered for the occasion. 
After a small wait we enter in the hall where Lidia begins not knowing where to put his eyes. A photo with the image of André, purchase the program and her excitement mounts, mounts, so much so that when expressing her happiness she drops her ticket in the stands just before she could enter the hall; moment of panic ... 20 hours in a bus from Poland to lose her ticket in the final stage. Finally all is well that ends well, we find it and we are all in our place. 
Jean-Louis and I spent the first part of the concert in the stands. André was in sparkling form and the program a had few titles almost, identical to that of Maastricht and South Africa, but fantastic. French are sometimes hesitant, but André has won the audience who laughed to the antics of Frederick and Teun. A public that vibrates when Frank with his carillon make a dual against Marcel and his xylophone. A public that is transported with joy and pleasure by Carla performing "Doll Aria" with her facial expressions and her voice sublime. A male audience captivated by the charm of a steamy Carmen and the softness of her voice. A public that is captivated by the provision of Marcel and Glen Falize in Ravel's Bolero, a public with tears in eyes during the performance of Casta Diva by Kimmy ... and the reception of the Platin Tenors and the Trio Saint Petersburg! Just amazing!! 
Everything was magical this night, even the three empty seats in the second row which allowed us to sit with Lidia. My husband and I continued the evening in the best possible conditions. The "Encores" were astounding. André danced on stage, singing, the musicians did not forgot their fun and the atmosphere in the Halle T. Garnier was fabulous ... I keep in my heart, kisses, smiles from Carla, Kimmy and the surprise of Carmen when we sang Happy Birthday JSO and I shouted Happy Birthday Carmen ... I never forget her face when she saw me and the same expression on Carla and Kimmy faces. I received from those three wonderful André's Angels many kisses and wonderful small gestures of affection. An intense time of sharing, just by the smile and the look! The curtain fell and the "Three Charlie's Angels" are delighted to have fulfilled their mission ... enjoy the atmosphere, laugh, dance and sing~What happiness! 
Martine Calvinhac

(Photos are by Martine and Lidia)


  1. Martine Calvinhac France01 September, 2012

    Thanks Sue, good choice for the photos.I am happy because it's my first contribution. What concert and what ambience!! If all is good we can send you an another from New Year's concert in Cologne with The Lovely Oswick from UK, Brincat from Malta and Fourie from SA and Jean-Louis and I from France..I cross my fingers!!

  2. Loved reading your story Martine. What a wonderful time you have all had. Photos are beautiful
    Thanks Sue, for posting.

    cheeRIEU :) Val
