Sep 2, 2012

Over Eight Years of Showing André Rieu Concerts!

Mike's 100th Monthly André Rieu Concert at Nursing Homes
Mike Connelly and his wife Annette have shown André DVD's at Nursing Homes for years now ... he wrote today of their recent special experience and it's very heartwarming ... We all know what André's music can do ... Kudos to Mike and Annette! 
We had a wonderful day today at the Nursing Home/Hostel. We gave our 100th monthly concert (8 years and 4 months) showing André Rieu & JSO. Being such a special occasion I decided to give the residents a great concert. I prepared a 92 minute program covering André Rieu concerts going back to 1994 and up to last year. It certainly covered a lot of territory. Some of it we had not seen for a few years, and I might add that some of the pieces of music had never been seen at all by the residents. 
The concert we gave at the Nursing Home was not the same, but we had a “full house”. The concerts we showed covered 2000-2002. It is quite amazing to be in a Nursing home, and have total silence for 90 minutes – we could not pick out the people singing – but could see hands and feet moving. It was a great morning and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the music. 
The afternoon is the time we show an André Rieu concert. As we were setting up the room, the Nursing sister in charge arranged for some photos prior to the concert. We had photos taken with residents.We were presented with some nice gifts by the Hostel, residents and staff. Some residents also presented us with some gifts. The cards with the gifts are something we will treasure forever. 
We started the concert on time – after 30 minutes – the hostel staff came around to everybody watching the concert and gave us all a large bowl of strawberries sprinkled with icing sugar. What more could you want ? – watching a great André Rieu concert and eating strawberries, in a great atmosphere amongst friends. 
The residents were enthralled with the concert and they were very, very, happy. There was another presentation to us at the end of the concert. Everybody at the concert told us both as they left that they really appreciated us coming to give them the concerts. Staff did likewise. We both came away elated at the events of the day and why wouldn’t we?


  1. Another great article about what fans do and what Andre's music means to people!
    Thank you Mike and Mrs. Connelly for telling us your story!!

  2. Congratulations Mike and Annette on your "milestone" accomplishment and may you continue this wonderful tradition for many years to come.
    Well Done!!!!!!


  3. Congratulations to you both for sharing your time with Andre's music for the happiness of so many.
    Much joy and many blessings to you both and the many you entertain.
    Dale Quinn - Victorian Friendship Group

  4. Congratulations Mike & Annette on the wonderful job you are doing for the elderly. It was great to read about it. Keep up the good work ! cheeRIEU, Val (ARVFG)

  5. Deborah Kelly07 September, 2012

    i know for a fact that this type of sharing goes well with these old folks. I am a retired nurse and worked 15 plus years in a nursing home. The music triggers memories from years pass and creates conversation from these memories. I loved working at the nursing home because the stories the old folks told were wonderful and I aways learned what life was like during the 20's through ww2. Thank you Andre and also Mike and Annette for creating happy memories for this age group.!!Deborah Kelly

  6. Congratulations Mike and Annette, along with Andre and the JSO, you have brought hours of joy to many people over the years. It is a privilege to be a friend.

