Sep 4, 2012

André Rieu Wins The BVN Trophy!

André Rieu Wins The BVN Trophy
BVN/Best Van Nederland (The Best of The Netherlands)

AMSTERDAM - André Rieu has won the BVN Trophy. The TROS broadcast of "Waltzing out the Year" was the most valued show according to BVN, a public television station for Dutch speaking people abroad.The violinist was very happy with the trophy, which he received from the hands of BVN-board member Joop Daalmeijer. 
"My goal is to make people all over the world happy. This award confirms that I am on the right path,." said André. 
"Waltzing out the Year" received the highest marks in the competition for this award.
Thanks to John for Translating This To English For Us! 


  1. Carol Malvern UK05 September, 2012

    The humility of Andre always surprises me.He is a world super star but is so humble a real class act and a true citizen of the world.

  2. Will you be showing the Tros Waltzing out the year broadcasts on The Harmony Parlor - translated to english please? Joy Green from England
