Oct 4, 2012

An Interview with Carla Maffioletti

Carla's Dreams!
An Interview with Carla Maffioletti 
The Limburger October 3, 2012 - Opera singer Carla Maffioletti was born in the Brazilian metropolitan city of Porto Alegre. She possesses the Italian as well as the Brazilian nationality and she speaks seven languages. She first studied classical guitar before she developed her talents as a soprano. André Rieu discovered her while studying at the Maastricht conservatory. She has been part of the Johann Strauss Orchestra for the past 10 years. In addition, she is a member of the mandolin ensemble "The Strings" from Stein. 
An Emotional Reunion With Brazil 
For me the Sao Paulo concerts were very emotional. For the first time since I joined the Johann Strauss Orchestra, my father Carlos was in attendance. He normally does not travel, but this time the performances were in my home country. I blinked away a few tears! His presence meant everything to me!"

For over two years she worked on her first own album. Soprano Carla Maffioletti, from André Rieu's Johann Strauss Orchestra, stands with "Blue Bird" on her own legs.
 A discussion about family ties, ambitions and unfulfilled dreams. 
Thirty sold out concerts in the Brazilian metropolitan city of Sao Paulo. Carla Maffioletti  cannot stop talking about the André Rieu and JSO performances in the South American country of her birth. It was not only the enthusiasm of the fans that touched her deeply. Her 66 year old father Carlos Maffioletti saw his daughter sing live for the first time in ten years in the company of the famous conductor’s orchestra! She wells up with emotions when she tells the story. "Daddy would rather not travel, so he has never been to one of my performances. My entire family was in the first row, included little nephews and nieces." Tears roll down her face. The comparison with Princess Maxima, who had to miss her father Jorge Zorreguieta on her wedding day to crown prince Willem-Alexander is very similar. Certainly emotional in every aspect. 
"In the past I have often wished that he would have been there", she said. "I experience a lot with the JSO and those experiences you wish to share with your loved ones. Mother has been to my concerts before. I am so happy that my father was finally able to see me perform too. For the soprano, the homecoming was in every aspect, very successful. Currently she is only able to see her family once or twice every two years. Often we are on tour and I have been living in the Netherlands now for 14 years. After my studies at the conservatory in Maastricht, I went back for a while to my place of birth, the city of Porte Alegre in the South of Brazil. That was quite an adjustment again! From the burgundian city of Maastricht to a metropolis of 3 million people. The unsafe feeling of being out at night. Unable to quietly ride my bike through the city ... No, I prefer Maastricht. It is a lot quieter there. She is happy living in the Limburg capital.

With "Blue Bird" Carla intends to show that she can hold her own. "When you are young, your head is filled with dreams. To have my own album was one of my wishes. That has now been accomplished. I am proud of that." Although she is rooted in the opera world, Carla Maffioletti would also likes to discover pop music. On the "Blue Bird" CD she sings her favorite arias, but Carla also has fourteen new self composed pieces, which she would like to release in the future. "It is a combination of pop, jazz, samba and bossa-nova. Brazilian artists are currently very popular in Europe. I like to do something with the songs, but let's first see what "Blue Bird" will do. I am very curious what people think of the CD."
Currently she does not have much time to work on her own pieces. There are tours scheduled with André Rieu to France, Germany, England, and Belgium. And in January she has her own opera project scheduled in Switzerland. "Some day I would also love to perform in Liége’s opera house. It is close by and a nice place to sing in." Although Carla Maffioletti travels the entire world, she loves to come home. "I don’t see my home all that often any way. We are normally gone for about six months out of the year. Then it is just nice to be able to cook and live in your own familiar surroundings. Returning from a tour I often need a week to readjust. And then the routine starts all over again: doing laundry, ironing, and packing suitcases. But I feel privileged that I am allowed to experience all this. André Rieu took me in ten years ago during an audition. I had to leave my family behind, but in return I have also received a lot of beauty."
The "Blue Bird" album, with well known aria’s from operas and operettas

Carla Maffioletti has worked for more than two years on her first album, named "Blue Bird". On this CD she recorded her favorite arias from operas and operettas and also a number of instrumental compositions. The soprano, who is also trained on the classical guitar, received support from the mandolin ensemble "The Strings" from Stein and several guest musicians from the Johann Strauss Orchestra. Since 2007 in addition to performing with André Rieu, she is also part of the "The Strings". "The mandolin is an instrument with a beautiful sound. I have been playing the classical guitar for years. Also with the ensemble. If ever I have but a little bit of time, I am always present at the rehearsals." She thinks the CD is a nice adventure. "I look upon it as a business card. I have indeed chosen the compositions which I personally like, but my audience is also very important. I have not lost sight of that. In the first place, "Blue Bird" must be an album for people who follow my work." 
She learned a lot during the recordings. I have done almost everything myself. Did André Rieu assist me in any way? He is constantly giving me tips. In that aspect I am like a sponge and soak up all his advice. André tells me in which manner I should tackle things. He, like no one else, knows how important it is to make your own music. In his orchestra, several musicians are busy with their own projects. It is nice that we are afforded the chance. He certainly contributes in your development as a musician."
Thanks to John for the Article and John and Ineke Translating it 


  1. John D. Robert23 January, 2013

    Carla - I just recently (on my computer)watched you perform Mien Herr Marquis with Andre Rieu's orchestra. You are a lovely young lady with a beautiful voice. I have watched the video over and over. You are amazing. You could sing me to sleep every evening.

    John D. Robert, Milwaukee, WI, USA

  2. Francine Chavanon04 March, 2013

    J'aime beaucoup Carla, elle a un talent immense de chanteuse mais aussi d'actrice, lorsque qu'elle interprète le rôle de la poupée pendant les concerts d'André Rieu, c'est un vrai bonheur. Naturellement j'ai acheté son CD "Blue Bird" et c'est superbe. Bravo à toi chére Carla! Une inconditionnelle venue de France!

  3. Carla, I watched "Song Of Olympia" performed in Brazil. You and Andre totally mesmerized me. Your beautiful and talented. I'm a cab driver in Santa Fe New Mexico USA and I drove Cyndy Lauper once. Both you tiny ladies have tremendous voices and talent. I love you. Eric Galvez
