Oct 4, 2012

André Rieu Fan Goes To Classic Brit Awards!

Enjoy The Classic Brit Awards With Stephanie!
I got into London about 1:30, checked in my hotel and then walked down to Royal Albert Hall in the wind and rain battling my brolly (umbrella). Just thinking of the things we do go see André Rieu, we are bonkers! It only took 10 minutes, so I knew it would be fine to walk down in the evening. I wandered around, did not see a truck or a bus there so thought maybe they had gone back to their hotel, but saw later on twitter that they were still there!! I spotted the stage door, most important and the red carpet was already laid. 
I went back to hotel to relax, shower and get ready. Adele said she would be there about 6:45, so I thought I would go down 6:15-6:30. There I am in my finery and its raining AGAIN. Still battled with the brolly (umbrella) and got around the railing and sat on the side of the red carpet. I saw Rhydian (for those who do not know, he is a welsh baritone who found fame on UK X Factor 2007, Very good) arrive. Followed closely by the amazing Andrea Bocelli. I noticed they closed the gate then so I asked someone if they had seen André Rieu arrive and they said he was one of the first to go in about 5:15. He did not look at or wave to anybody even although people shouted at him. 
A few minutes later Adele arrived and found me, she introduced me to her friend Olive and her lovely hubby Maurice. We waited outside for a while for Olives friends to arrive and then went and took a couple of pics at the classic brits billboard, then went to get our seats a little before the start, looked pretty full up. Good seats with a good view. Had a good scan of the tables to see if we could spot AR or any of his team but no. Did keep looking as well. 
Andrea Bocelli opened the show with a fantastic rendition of Amazing Grace, I have never heard it sung so well, he is fabulous!! Then it was the first award followed by a spectacular performance of "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" and "The Phantom of The Opera", both singers were absolutely outstanding. More awards and time flew by ... before we knew it, it was interval time. 
Just before this I had noticed someone at a table that looked like Pierre sitting next to a grey haired man and dark haired lady. As the lights came on, he stood up and yes it was Pierre with Sir Anthony and his wife! At last we knew the table he would be sitting at!! We took a peep in during the interval and the stage was being set up for André Rieu. (I went to the loo before we went back to our seats and the call came for 5 minutes!!! The bit I did not want to miss was going to start with out me!) Made it back in plenty of time and the orchestra was on stage in semi darkness with André in the wings doing his caged tiger impression, pacing back and forth looking very nervous as usual. 
Myleen introduced him and he got the loudest cheer of the night!! Obviously a lot of fans there. He played "Roses From The South" fantastically as always. Some people clapped along and many were swaying ... he looked very well and very slim. He got a tremendous applause at the end!! A bit surprising, only one piece was played. 
As the next award was being introduced, André appeared in front of where we sitting to make his way to his table. (wearing his Stage Suit and glasses, Wow !! Just love that look). At the table was also Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. The rest of the awards went on, John Williams getting Life Time Achievement Award, a medley of his music was played and clips of the films were shown, very enjoyable. 
Then it's the BIGGIE!! The one we were waiting for. Alan Titchmarsh came on the stage to announce the nominations, (André removed his glasses at this point) as Alan Titchmarch read out the nominations, André's got the loudest cheer again!! Finally the winner was announced, YES he did it!! "The award for Album of the Year goes to ANDRE RIEU!!!" Massive, Massive Cheers went up for him. Probably Adele and I being the loudest!! (I had been told off for using my flash by this time! Even although they were going off all the time) Cannot remember most of what he said, but he did point out Sir Anthony who stood up for a round of applause. He went off to back stage, then one more piece was played and that was it, over for another year. The time flew by. 
We made our way out and to the stage door in the hope of spotting him, lots of people around the stage door but I noticed a sign that directed Artists to another door, so I said to Adele to keep her eye on the stage door and I will watch the other one. There were lots of Mercedes with blacked out windows around at this point. I spotted Johan through the glass door and yelled to Adele! André got mobbed to autograph things, so I flew around the other side of the car and he had his back to me. 
I called out his name and put my program (already opened to the correct page) under his nose, he signed it and I said thank you. 
Then he turned and looked at me with his little smile ... when those amazing eyes lock on you even if it's for seconds, it is like warm sunshine or the bubbles from champagne hitting the back of your throat and the butterflies arrive in your tummy ... just magic. And it makes you feel light headed for hours!! Johan and Pierre finally managed to get him in the car, but I could not see anything due to blacked out windows. Adele and I both waved like mad as they drove off ... 
A fantastic end to a fantastic night ... A massive thanks to Adele and Maurice for their kindness and for taking me back to my hotel. It took a couple of hours until I could sleep though ...


  1. Martine Calvinhac France04 October, 2012

    I love this report and I am very happy for Steph that she can have an autograph from André...Thanks for sharing Steph, Adele and thanks Sue for the job. I give you the Award of the best André Rieu fans' website.

  2. I know Martine ... Steph said it's actually her second autograph, but this one is a very SPECIAL autograph from the Awards night and on the Awards Program!! You better frame this one Steph ~ it's a rare one!! :)

  3. Oh...Steph, our intrepid reporter! Thank you for the write up and congrats on the autograph that must have been quite a moment for you.

    Kathy Chamblin, California

  4. Glad you had a fantastic time the both of you.Andre always remembers a face Steph, so beware. LOL


  5. Mary Webster, Melbourne, Australia04 October, 2012

    Wonderful report Steph, I felt almost as excited and thrilled just reading it as you would have been being there seeing him and getting his autograph with that smile and those eyes.

  6. Thanks so much Steph for such a descriptive report - I felt as though I was there. What lovely memories for you...Jennifer from New Zealand xo

  7. Congratulations, Stephanie! Glad you & Adele had a great time. Thanks for the great report!
