Nov 23, 2012

André Rieu Must Be Missing His Blond Angel

André Rieu Must Be Missing His Blond Angel
For about six years, Mirusia was like a daughter to André Rieu and his wife Marjorie. The violinist brought the then twenty year old over from her Australian country of birth, and he was immediately so impressed by the golden voice of this nightingale that tears sprang into his eyes and he never wanted to let her go. Yet she is now back on the other side of the world, where she is working hard on her solo career. Not only must the violinist go on without her, her love life has also come to an end!
Privé November, 2012: Mirusia Louwerse made her own decision! Homesickness drove the twenty-seven year old back to Australia, where she now cherishes being with her family. For year she has been missing her parents tremendously, and this hung over her like a dark cloud of her otherwise very successful career in the Netherlands. Her fairytale started when one of her aunts living in the Netherlands forwarded a letter to André Rieu drawing his attention to her talented niece. The violin virtuoso immediately called Mirusia and invited her to come to the Netherlands. The blond beauty immediately boarded an airplane in Australia, came and remained with André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra. He afforded her the change to create furor as a soloist of his huge orchestra, with which she raveled the entire world. Time and time again she brought tears to the violinist’s eyes and she knew how to touch him. Mirusia actually wanted more than to stand next to André. She wanted to go solo! André assisted her in that and the first result was "Always and Forever", a beautiful CD with fourteen songs which she had sung over the years during the concerts. And-typical of André-the violinist was totally involved in the entire project. He made the Johann Strauss Orchestra available, arranged for a choir, was present during the recordings, encouraged her and even mixed everything. But through this successful CD – which sold very well and I received many positive reactions – Mirusia’s urge to go solo became even stronger. With tears in her eyes she said good-bye to André, who reluctantly let his "daughter" go. "Here in Australia I am now busy with my solo tour" Mirusia said in an exclusive interview with Privé. I hope someday to be working with André again. He told me I always welcome to come back. But currently I am super busy with my solo activities. The last performance I did with André was just before he became ill again. It was a horrible time and we all were very worried. I am very happy that he is totally recovered. Just before he started his Brazilian concerts I returned home. Two Brazilian sopranos replaced me there. 
Was it a difficult decision to leave the Netherlands? "It was difficult since I have family in the Netherlands and had built a circle of friends. I did not like leaving them behind. I experienced the same in 2007 when I had to leave everyone and everything in Australia in order to go to the Netherlands. I had such a longing to go back to my roots and found that to be an opportune time. I did think about that for a long time. I was very doubtful for a long time as to when I should take this step. But since there were so many requests for me as a solo singer, that for me it appeared to be the right decision. André and his son Pierre also supported me in this decision." 
And how does it feel to be back in the country of your birth?"It is a weird feeling as if I had never left; it all seems like a huge dream! My parents love having their daughter back. And I am so happy to be back with them. I am their only child, so they missed me extra much these last few years. Everything is fine with them, but of course I never know how much longer I’ll be able to keep them. They are all that I have, and that is why we enjoy every day. I can now cook for them and invite them over. That is super special for me since I have never been able to do that before. I now have my own house with a large garden and a new car. Of course my parents also attend my concerts, and they are so proud. And we look forward to finally be able to celebrate Christmas together again. And moreover it is wonderful to see my friends and other family members again whom I have been missing for so long."
In an earlier interview last year, Mirusia told about her love, Sebastiaan: Sebastiaan would come to Australia as much as possible. He has been back to Australia with me eight times. Although here we do not see each other frequently either: he lives in Amsterdam and I in Maastricht. Of course due to my work I am very often gone. But he is too. Due to his job as a freelance sound technician he is gone from home a lot. Sometimes he travels with us on tour, since he also works for André. That is how we met three and a half years ago. I saw him for the first time when we were recording for our DVD in the Efteling. He was working there then. First I only saw him from behind, but liked him instantly. I thought: "Such nice blond hair." When he turned around I also noticed that he had a very nice face. And apparently he instantly found me nice too! I blushed, said "hi" and walked away giggling! I felt like I was fifteen again. Everything is going well between us, and I am not worried that, when I return to Australia, he’ll be looking for another girlfriend. He understands my homesickness, and since he lives in the same world as I, he understands that music is my passion, and I am gone three-fourth of the year and have to rehearse a lot." 
How is everything between you now?Eventually we together decided to put an end our relationship and for each of us to follow our own career. We never had a fight in all those years. It was a wonderful time in our lives. Nothing went really wrong between us, he is a very friendly and nice man, but we were both going in different directions and the living distance between us made  that more difficult. Sometimes in life, people grow apart, and that happened between Sebastiaan and I too. I was planning to return to Australia and afterwards again tour with André. He wanted to stay in the Netherlands in the movie business. He is involved with "The voice of Holland." I will always remember him fondly and there are still times when I would like to share things with him. I think everyone goes through that after a relationship break up, whether it is romantic or just plain friendship, you will always miss that person. I will never forget him. But I have gone on with my life and "I moved on." 
Do you miss your colleagues?"Of course I miss them, but they write me often and thanks to Face Book I stay in contact with many of them. Some of them are even planning to come and visit me here. I really look forward to that. Sometimes I am homesick for the Netherlands. I miss the cozy cafés, the European fashion and my friends. The longer I stay gone, the stronger that feeling becomes."
What all do you do in Australia?
"I am busy with an Australian solo tour, which is going very well. I started in my hometown, Redlands which sold out immediately! I was so happy with the enthusiastic reaction I received from the public, it felt like a welcome home party. On 29 November I will close my tour in the Sydney Opera House, which I find to be awesome. I have my own "Salon Orchestra" for the tour and several very special guests who all travel with me. I had a few days off in October which I spent with my family and friends. For this tour especially I released an album "Home" which is also available for the Dutch audiences: you can download or order this CD via This CD was recorded in my own province of Queensland and all the songs reflect to the fact that I am really home again."
What are your future plans?
"After this tour I will start working on a new CD and DVD. Very exciting!"
Do they know you there too?"You will have to ask the public that, but here I had two number one albums and my concerts sell well, so……As a matter of fact, in August I received a very prestigious award: the ARIA Chart award for my DVD "André Rieu Presents: Always and Forever" This award is presented to the artist who reached the number one position in the ARIA (Australian Record Industry Association) Charts. My DVD was in the number one position four weeks in a row and I was the only classical artist who received such an award. That was very exceptional and I feel very honored."
When will you return to the Netherlands?
"I would very much like to tour through the Netherlands next year and am currently in the process to arrange that. I had such a wonderful time In Maastricht, that city has stolen my heart. All the cafés and restaurants – I have been told there are more than 300 of them – something you do not find here. I really miss that burgundian atmosphere."
And do you miss André too?
"Of course! I have so much to thank him for. From the very beginning I felt very much at ease with André and Marjorie, just as if we had known each other for a long time. I immediately felt like family, as if they were my uncle and aunt. The way you see André on stage or on TV that is the way he is in his daily life: a very normal, nice and funny man. He is the "Godfather" of his orchestra. He is quite driven and strives for the best. I am like that too, and that is why we understand each other so well. If it is up to me, I will be touring with him again in the future. But first I must now fend for myself." 
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John Translating it. 

1 comment:

  1. Marc Bourret26 November, 2012

    Very nice in depth interview! Hope Mirusia is arranging to tour more than just the Netherlands with Andre. Have never experienced Netherlands weather but if anything like Pacific Northwest USA coast (damp gloomy Cold), I can sympathize. As for Mi's love life ended, I contest that notion having gazed into those lovely amber eyes at close range. This was but a chapter in love's unending quest. As I said to Mirusia last year may love find you Somewhere In Time(from the Movie) (but hopefully in real time).
