Nov 25, 2012

Pierre Rieu & Sinterklaas

Pierre & Sinterklaas 
The wind was blowing old fashioned like through the trees on Sunday. Children and parents were all present on the boat.  That did not matter in the Spain-Valley. It only increased the Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) atmosphere on the boat moored at the Kesselskade. Maastricht children now know that the boat will be there until Sinterklaas’ birthday, and it regularly and often is the place to be. Especially when well known citizens of Maastricht come and read exciting, sweet or cute Sinterklaas stories. This Sunday, the well known – and with a variety of story books on his lap - Pierre Rieu is sitting next to Sinterklaas. 
Yes, the son of the world famous André Rieu who simultaneously is his left and right hand at concerts, recordings and television tapings, found it nice to come and read to the youngest Maastricht children for an hour or so. And he does that fantastically. Sinterklaas thinks so but especially so think the children. His choice is greeted with applause: he reads Sinterklaas Stories for them from Liselotje’s Big Story Book. You make friends easy this way Pierre notices rather quickly. Especially when you are a good reader. 
Next Sunday there will also be a morning reading. MVV coach René Trost will then make his appearance. He can find the road to the Spain-Valley just as easy as his players find the goal of their opponents. At the last birthday celebration the successful Kerkrade coach was also at the party. 
This year, Sinterklaas too has a special gift wish. Children and parents who come to the Spain-Valley should not forget to bring children's books from home that have already been read and will not be read anymore. Sinterklaas collects all these books and places them in his bookcase. His helpers (Zwarte Pieten) ensure later that these books find their way to children from Maastricht and the surroundings, who unfortunately do not have many books available to them. So if you have exciting, fun and beautiful children's books available, do not forget to bring them to the Sinterklaas Boat. The Spain Valley boat is moored on the Kesselskade where the boats of the Stiphout Rederij are also moored. Sinterklaas is only too happy if you will do this!!! (Our thanks to John for his Translation!)


  1. How sweeeeet!! I LOVE watching Pierre impersonate Andre in the road soaps, so funny, he must be a pretty good reader... on top of being a good son, a good husband and a good father :)

  2. 50agLiteaWhat a wonderful article!!! John where did you find it?? In the Limburger?? Wow! A Sinterklaas boat (Spain Valley)along the Stiphout quay in Maastricht! For children to visit! What an excellent idea! Did you notice that most of the Stiphout river cruisers are named after"valleys"? Our fan dinner boat is called the "Schelde Valley". "Schelde" is a river in Belgium.

  3. The two little girls in the photo might be his twin daughters. Notice their hair, both done the same way!!!

  4. Oh yes,that is quite possible! They look like three years old.

  5. Ineke ... it was an article in the Maastricht Aktueel yesterday.

  6. Judy Needham26 November, 2012

    I also wondered if the two little girls were his twins, but what a lovely idea especially about leaving old books for other children and Pierre really looked as though he was enjoying it as much as the children.
