Feb 6, 2014

Fencing Champion Heidemann Accompanies Rieu to China

Fencing Champion Heidemann Accompanies The "Waltz King"

Feb. 5, 2014: Olympic fencing champion Britta Heidemann will go on tour with André Rieu, and is an unknown amongst the female singers. In April, the sword expert will accompany the Dutch "Waltz King" André Rieu on his tour to China, Taiwan and Singapore. 

Heidemann, who is fluent in Chinese,  will translate Rieu's presentations to the public and sing a Chinese folk song during the show's program. "I am looking forward to the concerts. China is my second home. Standing there live on stage with André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra in front of thousands of spectators, is absolutely fantastic", said the Beijing Olympic champion.

Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John Translating it.


  1. Whow! How perfect and exciting to have her along. A gold medalist of Olympic Beijing 2008!! Andre would not have to worry about being stuck with a poor translator :)
    Here's more on her:

  2. I wonder what the professional singers think of that, lol :P Let's hope they are not the jealous types lol.
