Feb 8, 2014


Feb. 2, 2014: Overwhelming interest in Mirusia’s mini concert By Marjolijn Langens Drunen- " The Angel of Australia", soprano Mirusia Louwerse, in order to promote her new album "Beautiful that Way", conducted a live mini concert in the theater "de Voorste Venne." on Sunday, February 2nd. The interest in this unique performance was so overwhelming that an additional concert was added. It was 2010 when Mirusia visited Drunen for the first time. At the City Hall Square, she touched thousands of visitors during the Dickens Festival with the song "Ave Maria". Since then a lot has happened. "Together with André Rieu I've toured the world before I returned to Australia in 2012" said Mirusia. "There I released my CD "Home". But my heart is always in two places; the Netherlands are also home for me. So the "Second Home Tour" was a logical title. Mirusia lives a busy life in two worlds; Australia and the Netherlands, one with a solo career and the other touring with André Rieu. "I try to spend my time 50/50" is her solution. "Together with André I make annual plans which sometimes involve difficult choices. But I believe that you should do what you enjoy. In addition, André helps me happily and gives my solo career chances. He is my mentor. Without him I would probably not be where I am today."

Beautiful That Way
Her latest album 'Beautiful that way ' is available on CD as well as DVD and recorded live in the concert hall "La Bonbonniere" in Maastricht. That was no coincidence. "I knew about the hall from the time I lived in Maastricht" Mirusia said. "It was my dream to be able to perform there once." For the live recordings the sky was the limit and both the choir and orchestra were flown over from Australia." With a live recording many different things come into consideration rather than with a studio recording, such as the noise from the hall," said Mirusia. "The public plays a major role in that. A live show brings more feelings and it's nice that I can tell my own story since every song has a special meaning for me. "We thought long about the title. "Second Home" did not sound well enough. Mirusia wanted something "more beautiful." And that is how the title came about. Because let's face it: "Life is Beautiful" the singer says cheerfully. "My motto always is: "Smile without a reason, and laugh a little more."

Mirusia interrupts her tour with André Rieu through Germany in order for her to visit Drunen for a second time. "The idea of a free mini concert came from Bert de Bel, who is from "That's Entertainment" says Mirusia." I was immediately enthusiastic. That way I can give something back to all my fans that always support me. In addition, I also find it very fun to do. "The announcement did not go unnoticed. No less than 650 interested parties registered rows deep at the doors of the Voorste Venne, so an additional performance had to be inserted. Mirusia’s family was also present, and in particular her grandmother. "In earlier times, when she spent some time with us in Australia, and when I was little, we often sang songs together," recalls Mirusia. "Later we sang a song together in a show in Eindhoven which was a children’s song about a duckling written by my father. Those are very special moments." This time too she managed to move the audience with her beautiful voice. Her hand reaches meaningful to heaven when she performs her own version of "Ave Maria" in memory of her friends she lost in 2007. The audience is surprised when Mirusia dedicates and sings the Dutch song "Give me your fear" to her good friend Fons. A well deserved standing ovation is the logical consequence. The CD and DVD can be ordered combined or separately through www.thatsentertainment.nl

Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John translating it. 
(Photos from Ineke) 


  1. Francine Chavanon09 February, 2014

    Mirusia a beaucoup de talent, j'adore l'écouter chanter, que ce soit avec l'orchestre d'André ou en solo, elle est superbe et fera à n'en pas douter, une belle carrière. Bravo à elle et bravo aussi à André qui apporte tant de bonheur à travers le monde à tous ceux qui écoutent sa belle musique. GOD BLESS YOU à tous, Francine.

  2. Thanks for this, I really enjoyed watching the video, Mirusia is such a natural performer and sings so beautifully. She really gets better and better every year! Glad you all got to go to the concert-
    Jennifer D.
