Feb 10, 2014

From André's Twitter and Facebook

Upsetting all these images that reach us from the UK. 
It reminds me of the flooding in my own country 
back in 95.
I want to help with a fundraising concert.


  1. MThat is great news,you put our government to shame,you are so good hearted to do something like that for the people in the UK.You work so hard all year and yet you offer to do this, THANK YOU!!!from Ann Sykes

  2. There was flooding in the Netherlands in 1995? Ik kan me daar niks van herinneren :D
    (I don't remember anything about that)

    Katjekus xxx

  3. Yes, there was a flooding in 1995. It was not caused by the North Sea, but by the rivers coming from the Alps and they flooded Limburg. I remember that Andre then also joined a fundraising TV program on Dutch TV.

  4. Jean Harding11 February, 2014

    What a wonderfull person Andre is, to do a concert for flooded Britain.
    Please let us know when & where this is to be.
    Regards to all.

    Jean Harding

  5. BRIGITTE FRANCE11 February, 2014

    BRAVO pour votre generosité légendaire

  6. Francine Chavanon12 February, 2014

    Voilà André et son grand cœur, toujours prêt à venir en aide à ceux qui en ont besoin. Bravo et GOD BLESS YOU cher Maestro! Francine.

  7. This is a wonderful idea Andre. You are such a busy man but let us know where and when!
    Thank you very much for being a very generous and thoughtful person.
    Warmest regards from Brenda.

  8. Oh right, there's flooding there every year, I forgot :D

    Katjekus XXXD

  9. Just when I was thinking the rest of the world didn't care about our disasters André steps forward. Such kindness and compassion when I was feeling so low restores my faith in human nature.

    Margaret. Cornwall
