Sep 5, 2014


  1. ♫♪♫ Happy Birthday Ineke! ♫♪♫

  2. Catherine Crapart06 September, 2014

    Happy Birthday INKE! thank you for all that you bring on the Harmony website parlor!
    May this day be full of happiness and joy!
    Catherine Crapart.

  3. Devoted Scottish Fan06 September, 2014

    Dear Ineke - Happy, Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. You certainly deserve to have had a lovely day from our point of view, with everything that you so kindly do to keep us up-to-date on your website. Thank you once again.
    Moira x

  4. Wishing you a wonderful day, Ineke!! Can't thank you enough for all you do for all Andre fans!! Eileen

  5. Van Harte Proficiat, en nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid.
    Wij wensen je een zeer gezelige dag toe met Ruud en de gehele familie.

    Bobbie & John

  6. OOps! I missed your birthday - we were away down the coast - not PC!
    Hope you had a great day Ineke!!!
    Wendy Laing


  7. Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all the long hours and hard work you & Rudd have put in on the Harmony Parlor site!!We really liked the story about your lives & meeting Andre. We always go to the website for the latest news!!
    Elizabeth Miller
