Jan 30, 2015

High Carnival Award For Rieu

High Carnival Award For André Rieu

 The Limburger: André Rieu is to receive 'T JOONK LEECH (a New Light) award, which is the highest award of the Maastricht Carnival Organization, "De Tempeleers" . This will be the first time that "De Tempeleers" will award this jewel. "t Joonk Leech" dates back to the time of the Momus-society, the forerunner of the urban carnival club. The award, a golden crescent moon, originated in the jesters academy in the German city of Dülken, with which the Momus maintained close ties. 

Rieu will receive the award for his services to Maastricht, its culture and the Maastricht Carnival (Mestreechter Vastelaovond), and in the case of the conductor, particularly in he field of music.

Thanks to John for the Translation


  1. Francine Chavanon01 February, 2015

    Un nouveau prix pour André ! Super, c'est tellement mérité, le talent d'André est immense et rayonne autour de la planète. La ville de Maastricht peut s'enorgueillir de compter parmi ses citoyens un musicien tel que lui et qui lui apporte autant de renommée. Bravo cher Maestro et GOD BLESS YOU ! Francine.

  2. Elenrieu

    Bravo à notre Maestro, il l'a bien mérité !

  3. All this attention and still only 2 weekends of concerts in July for the home town of Maastricht😒 a bit of let down for thousands who can't make the first 2 weekends of July.
