Feb 5, 2015

Highest Carnival Award for André Rieu

Highest Carnival Award for André Rieu

Maastricht Feb. 5, 2015: A new - and at the same time a very high award from the Tempeleers - has been awarded to André Rieu on Thursday morning. 't Joonk Leech,( New or young Light) is what this jewel is called, and dates from an ancient tradition of the Momus Society, the forerunner of today's Maastricht carnival.

The comparison with the Trichter, granted by the municipality of Maastricht to individuals or institutions on social or cultural areas of particular value to the capital of Limburg, can safely be made.

With son Pierre in attendance, a contingent of Tempeleers, Garderizzjemint, Kachelpiepers (Stove Pipes) and a battery of photographers and film crews, all watched as Prince Odin hung  the decoration around the neck of the most famous Maastricht Citizen ever. Prior to that official moment, Tempeleer president Henk de Jong read André Rieu's merits. A long list of special performances and moments.

Rieu, who together with the Johann Strauss Orchestra, is ready to depart for Berlin, told the audience that as a Mestreechter citizen he was very delighted with 't Joonk Leech award. He once again emphysised the point that music brings people together. "You see that during my concerts, but just as well as with carnival." He added: "You can very easily compare one of our concerts with one of the basic principles of carnival. During both events, there are no ranks or classes. Everyone is equal and together everyone is enjoying the event"...

"It Joonk Leech" was the highest distinction during the Momus reign. At that time the Momus members maintained close ties with the Jesters Academy in Dülken, Germany, and the Momus Society incorporated
a variety of the Academy's symbols."

Thanks to John for the Translation


  1. Francine Chavanon06 February, 2015

    Une nouvelle médaille pour André! C'est magnifique et je suis très heureuse pour lui ! Son talent est immense et il mérite tellement d'être honoré au sein de sa ville natale à laquelle il apporte la notoriété avec ses fabuleux concerts sur la place du Vrijthof ! Félicitations cher Maestro et merci pour nous donner tant de bonheur avec cette merveilleuse musique! GOD BLESS YOU ! Francine.

  2. Well deserved sir, hopefully this will reflect in more concerts in your home town of Maastricht ��
