May 8, 2015

André Rieu Has Now Been Scientifically Explained

André Rieu Has Now Been Scientifically Explained

André Rieu is one of the biggest Dutch export products. His success knows no boundaries and he is known all over the world. But what is the secret behind this success? The book "Rieu, Maestro without Borders" casts a scientific look at his prestige. ''Classical music is in trouble. André Rieu is a kind of a symptom of that. He shows that it also can be done differently,'' according to the researcher and author of the book, Maaike Meijer.

Chapeau Magazine - Friday, May 8: André Rieu’s worldwide success has now been scientifically explained. Three scientists from the University of Maastricht have in a scientific report, recorded in a book of 272 pages, examined the international reputation of the Maastricht musician, and analyzed and explained it.

According to the researchers, Jac van den Boogard, Maaike Meijer and Peter Peters, Rieu is the symbol of a counter reaction against the far-reaching individualization of society. "Modern people still like to be together and feel the warmth of a nest, wanting to belong. André Rieu offers all those feelings on the squares and in the halls where he performs with his orchestra.

There, where young people are given opportunities to 'go crazy' during pop concerts, dance festivals etc, older people rarely have that chance. "But at the André Rieu’s concerts, they can completely go out of their minds, in their own ways, emotionally, and if need be, into tears.

The analysis of Rieu’s success even goes back to the 17th and 18th centuries when baroque music was then meant to please people and allow them to dance. Waltz music originally was a folk dance. Slowly it found its way into the concert hall. "Rieu uses it in such a manner that the waltz literally is dance music again and thereby making the roots of the waltz visible again to a popular culture." The researchers are thereby also trying to make it clear and prove that the origin of André Rieu’s music is not well understood by the criticisms regularly heard and posted by the present day "serious classical music critic." "Rieu focuses on festivals of unprecedented proportions which fit into a contemporary cultural experience."

According to the researchers the music, and the manner in which André Rieu arranges it, brings forth old memories into his audience, and brings many to tears. "And that creates a reaction in the brain, an involuntary reaction which revitalizes old sources of emotion."

Another source of André Rieu’s success is formed according to the UM study in the Limburg region, his native land. "Rieu's magnificence, the shows and the region all encourage Rieu in all forms of love for his own country and culture, and to a large extent is understandable from Rieu's Limburg origin. Musical traditions and styles emerge in various ways in his concerts. But his popularity which has spread far beyond the borders says a lot about how culture is globalizing. Interestingly enough, Rieu delivers Asian, American, South African and East European audiences a similar experience of nostalgic solidarity and collective joy. Rieu travels so that the audience feels at home."

In a first reaction, Jo Cortenraedt, editor of Chapeau and L1 producer at Radio 1 (NPO) said that this book has done a good and serious attempt in its research, and without prejudice in all facets of André Rieu’s success. "And the most important element of his success is, that he himself is still on stage every night and having so much fun. Something the researchers witnessed personally with their own eyes and ears."
Thank you to Bobbie for sending this and John for Translating it!

UPDATED Tuesday, May 26th: Maaike Meijer, Peter Peters and Jac van den Boogard are the authors of the book . Martin Paul handed the first "Rieu, Maestro Without Borders" copy to André Rieu himself this afternoon!
Thank you to Jayne for the picture.


  1. Imbi Raid08 May, 2015

    Great - I only wish, that that book will be in English! Maestro Andre´s fans understand the feeling, what is created with music and Maestro´s personal charm !

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan09 May, 2015

    Amazing study - but they have not really told us anything we don't already know about the effect of our beloved Andre's music and the way in which he presents it to us with his magical Orchestra. Long may he be able to do so.
    Thanks for posting the article!
    Moira x

  3. Francine Chavanon09 May, 2015

    André est un homme génial, son succès est avant tout le fruit de son talent et de beaucoup de travail.Sa gentillesse son charisme et sa grande sensibilité font le plus grand nombre autour du monde aime sa musique et la manière dont il présente ses magnifiques spectacles font que l'on se sent en paix lorsque on l'écoute . Merci et GOD BLESS YOU, cher André ! Francine.

  4. Anonymous12 May, 2015

    I liked this analysis quite a lot- although I don't agree classical music is in trouble. (Although it's true classical CD sales are down). I think Andre's concerts offer something quite different - pure entertainment and fun with music - similar to what the London Proms and the Boston Pops have been doing for a long time. Anyway thanks for the translation-
    Jennifer D.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. PATRICIA Andre plays from his heart, he puts all his emotion into each piece this transfers to our hearts that is why he is so successful.

  7. PATRICIA Andre plays from his heart, he puts all his emotion into each piece this transfers to our hearts that is why he is so successful.
