May 5, 2015

We Wish You All The Best Thomas!

Bela announced this on his Facebook today ... "It's with sadness that Gary and I have to announce that after ten years and more than a 1000 shows together, Thomas has decided to leave the Platin Tenors for personal reasons. Farewell Thomas, we wish you all the best."

And so we introduce our new Platin Tenor, Eric! 
We're happy to have him and look forward to being on stage together, please give him a warm welcome and wish him luck!


  1. Devoted Scottish Fan06 May, 2015

    Oh my - Thomas will be sorely missed (the one with the happy face next to Andre!). I do hope his 'personal' reasons are not too drastic and wish him always the best in life. Thank you Thomas for your humour and your wonderful voice.
    Moira x

  2. Anonymous06 May, 2015

    Wishing Thomas all the best- with his warm, operatic voice he should do well anywhere and I hope he is heading on to great new opportunities.
    Viel Glück
    Jennifer D.

  3. janice scotland06 May, 2015

    Goodbye Thomas and welcome Eric

  4. janice scotland06 May, 2015

    Goodbye Thomas and welcome Eric

  5. Anonymous06 May, 2015

    Am I the only one who thinks the "next to me, with his friendly face" joke was supposed to be ironic? Since Thomas does not really have a friendly face at all.
    good luck thomas, may your path in life bring you good things only.

    Frank R.

  6. Anonymous13 May, 2015

    Thank you Thomas for all the joy you have given many over the years. May we see you with Andre once again as a guest.
    Welcome Eric we look forward to you joining the magic of The Platinum Tenors
    Dale Q.
    May, 2015

  7. Enjoyed watching the platin tenors tonight on TV. Amazing.
