Aug 20, 2015

André Rieu Provides a Marriage

André Rieu Provides a Marriage
In tears Mirusia Louwerse gave her "yes" word to Youri

Without André Rieu Mirusia Louwerse would not recently have said her vows to her friend Youri Wystyrk. She was in fact discovered by him as a soprano and he works in the team of the world famous violinist.

By Johan Lok: In the romantic castle Heeswijk in North Brabant Mirusia Louwerse recently promised her friend Youri Wystyrk eternal fidelity. The singer, who made headlines with André Rieu’s Johann Strauss Orchestra met her true love thanks to the Maastricht violinist. Youri is part of his production team. "We liked each other from the very beginning, but there was nothing between us" said the soprano. "I went back to Australia for a year, where I lived almost my entire life with my parents. We both noticed then that we missed each other greatly. In order to participate in the coronation concert which André performed in Amsterdam on April 30, 2014, I went back to Netherlands. That is when the spark really jumped over. From that moment on we were inseparable."

Diamond Ring

Youri had thought of a very special way to propose marriage to Mirusia. "He did that during a dinner party in our favorite restaurant "Rozemarijn" in Maastricht. Two of my girlfriends, Giedré and Agnes, who both play violin in André’s orchestra came in while playing the love song "Nog Nooit" (Never) by Herman van Veen. That is the song Youri often sings to me. I cried immediately. It became even more emotional when shortly thereafter two members of the choir entered while singing their own texts to that piece. Youri wrote that especially for me. When he knelt down on one knee in front of me and asked me to marry him, of course I said: "Yes." And as a gift he gave me a lovely diamond ring." Mirusia and Youri opted for an intimate ceremony. "There were about 50 guests present. My parents had come over from Australia. Sadly André could not attend. He and his wife Marjorie were on holiday in Italy, and unfortunately due to the busy schedule of the orchestra could not make changes. He did send us a personal letter full of congratulations and surprised us with a beautiful bunch of flowers. My 92 year old grandmother handed over the rings. She did that together with Youri’s grandfather, who is also 92. Do you know what also was so beautiful? When we both said our vows, suddenly the sun broke through. That was a very special moment."


After the wedding the couple traveled to Thailand for their honeymoon."With André’s orchestra we have been to many places in the world, but had never been to Thailand. In addition we both love Thai food, so that is going to be enjoyable" said the bride after the wedding. Rest of course the question whether consideration is being given to a child. Mirusia bursts out laughing. "Well, not just yet. First I will do my solo tour and afterwards also a tour with André. So there is currently no time for a baby, but there will definitely be one. I know for sure that Youri will be a very good father."

Thanks to Ineke for the article and John for Translating it.

1 comment:

  1. Devoted Scottish Fan21 August, 2015

    How wonderful - a beautiful Fairytale for a beautiful young woman and her handsome soulmate. Maestro Andre's orchestra has provided yet another match 'made in heaven'! I wish Mirusia and Youri a lifetime of happiness, contentment, fun and of course, music.
    Moira xx
