Aug 19, 2015

Mirusia and Youri - André Rieu saw love thrive

Thanks to Willem-Alexander Mirusia and Youri said "Yes!"  
André Rieu saw love thrive

Privé Magazine by Yvonne Hoebe: André Rieu’s star soprano Mirusia Louwerse and his security guard Youri Wystyrk did not dare to speak to each other during one of Rieu’s world tour for at least six months. In South Africa they had a small conversation with each other and that is when the spark jumped over, but the first kiss did not happen until Amsterdam during the King's ball at the museum square in honor of King Willem-Alexander. 

André Rieu, who considers the Australian Mirusia his biggest discovery since he listened to a tape sent by her aunt, saw their love thrive in front of him. André also had a part in the marriage proposal which Youri had in mind, so says Mirusia who would also liked to have had her mentor at her wedding, but André was already committed to his own yearly Italian vacation with his entire family.

Mirusia: "After the last Vrijthof concert, Youri had the idea of going to eat in our favorite restaurant in Maastricht. I did not suspect a thing, not even when after the main course, when Giedré and Agnes, two violinists from the orchestra came in to play; to be honest I thought the restaurant owner had hired them to perform. But when our singers Marcel and Bob appeared and together with Youri started to sing Herman van Veen’s song "Nog Nooit"(Never) I started to suspect something. "YES!" I shouted throughout the restaurant when Youri placed a beautiful diamond ring on my finger. I had never experienced such a romantic moment. Youri managed to pull that plan off beautifully thanks to the cooperation of André.


From that moment on, Mirusia’s life, next to her performances with Rieu’s orchestra, her solo career and the preparations of her tour "This Time Tomorrow" was dominated by her fairytale wedding, which would take place in the Noord Brabant castle of Heeswijk.

Mirusia: "I always dreamed I would marry but never knew when, where and with whom. A year ago we started with the preparations, we wanted to have everything organized well in advance. Also since we were on tour the last months prior to our wedding. It had to be romantic and it was. I found my dress in the Netherlands. Classical with a modern twist. Youri found it beautiful. We even thought of getting married in Australia, after all I was born there. I am three quarters Dutch and one quarter Polish, just like Youri, funny huh? But he was born in the Netherlands. So our choice was the Netherlands since there are no castles in Australia, and they truly belong in romance. Our relationship is a fairy tale, so that fits. In addition we wanted our grandparents to be present, my grandmother Ria lives in Breda and Youri’s grandfather in Maastricht and they both are 92 years old. We had thought for them to hand over the rings, and that is what they did. That is when I had to wipe away a tear. We had a wonderful day and felt the love of the people around us."

Thank you to Ineke for the article and John for Translating it.


  1. J'écoute avec le plus grand bonheur le chant de cette jeune femme depuis sa toute première
    en video dans la formation d'André Rieu: une voix de pur cristal aux nuances d'une douceur
    sans pareille. Les plus sincères félicitations et toutes les promesses de bonheur au nouveau
    Et puis, que dure, dure, dure l'admirable formation dirigée par le prestigieux André.
    Alain de Montere.

  2. A truly beautiful couple may they have a wonderful life together
