Mar 12, 2018

Rieu Will Go To Tel Aviv Despite Criticism

Rieu Will Go To Tel Aviv Despite Criticism

André Rieu is not giving in to the comments of twenty Palestinian organizations
They ask the Orchestra Leader via a letter on a website for human rights, to cancel four concerts next month in Tel Aviv.

De Limburger March 13, 2018 - Maastricht by Ruud Maas: A group of twenty Palestinian artists en cultural centers feel that André Rieu should follow artists like Lorde, Brian Eno and Lauryn Hill, who refused to give concerts in Israel. In a letter on Article 1 Collective, a site which is committed to human rights, they write saying that they that they find it inappropriate for the 68-year-old orchestra leader to perform there. A concert in Israel today is considered an equivalent of a performance for "whites only" in the South African resort of Sun City in the eighties, when the government oppressed black South Africans, according to the letter. The signatories believe that the Israeli government supports "big shows like yours" to divert attention from the Israeli decades-long repression of the Palestinians.

The group states that the government expunges the Palestinian culture by shutting down theaters and cinemas, banning events, denying artists a residency permit and incarcerate others without charge. "We admire your charitable dedication, referring to your benefit concerts in your role as ambassador of Wesambulance Limburg, which fulfills the wishes of seriously ill patients to experience a day distracted from pain. There is no breathing space for millions of Palestinians living under Israeli oppression."

Continued in the letter: "As a colleague artist we hope that you are in agreement with us and that we have a moral obligation to avoid all evil, and prevent our art from being misused to disguise oppression. We hope you stand on the right side of history."

From 3 until 7 April inclusive, André Rieu will perform four shows in the Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv. This will be the first time he will be performing in Israel. Pierre Rieu, his son and spokesperson, indicated that the shows will go on. "We do not concern ourselves with politics, but with music. According to Pierre, the Orchestra Leader had never previously received a request to ignore a city.

Thank You to John for the Translation 

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