Apr 5, 2018

Rieu About Controversial Performance in Israel

Rieu About Controversial Performance in Israel
"Aren't I allowed to play anywhere anymore?"

L1 Entertainment April 4, 2018: The first of the controversial concerts conducted by AndrĂ© Rieu went smoothly Tuesday evening in Israel. The arrival of the orchestra caused a stir of twenty Palestinian artists and organizations. They called for Rieu to cancel the performances because according to them, the Israeli government would use the shows to divert the attention away from oppressed Palestinians.

No Politics
The Maastricht violinist said earlier that he is not involved in politics. "Then I would no longer be able to perform, so to speak," he said. "In America, where tongues are unleashed towards Trump as president, we just played there as well. And in Istanbul we also gave performances, even though Erdogan is not a popular leader.

Rieu noticed earlier that people in the hall were sitting with Israeli flags and thought that in their country there would be a need for his shows.

Festive Mood
Jo Cortenraedt, who is in Tel Aviv where Rieu is giving the concerts, tells L1 Radio that during the first concert on Tuesday evening there was a festive mood in the Menora Mivtachim Arena.

"I also saw Palestinian people sitting in the hall, and it struck me that here, just as in South America, the audience was mixed in age."

Rieu, together with his 60 member Johann Strauss Orchestra and several International Soloists, was for the first time in history on stage in Israel.

ThankYou to John for the Translation 

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