Jun 16, 2019

Passion Plays in Tegelen To Receive Scaffolding From André Rieu

Passion Plays in Tegelen (Limburg) 
To Receive Scaffolding From André Rieu

June 17, 2019 - The Limburger by Marco van Kampen: Paris did not need André Rieu's assistance, but Tegelen (city in northern Limburg) will make use of his assistance.

After the devastating fire in the Notre Dame, Rieu offered seven hundred tons of steel for the reconstruction of the Parisian cathedral. That turned out not to be necessary. Some of the materials now go to the Passion Plays in Tegelen, according to Jos Teeuwen, chairman of the Passion Plays.

The organization will make good use of the scaffolding material. "It is safe and good quality stuff with a variety of heights. That is exactly what we need. According to board member Math Schmeitz we have good contacts with Rieu, and he would like to cooperate. This way the scaffolding will get a religious destination."

Note ... Tegelen conducts the Passion Plays every five years. Whereas Oberammergau, Germany performs them every 10 years.

Thank You To John For The Article and Translation

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