Jun 15, 2019

Rieu Deeply Touched by The Theft of Instruments

Rieu deeply touched by the theft of instruments from a brass band: I'm going to buy everything new

When world star, violinist and orchestra leader André Rieu heard  yesterday that a brass band for intellectually limited musicians had been robbed of all their instruments worth at least 20,000 Euros, it became too much for him.  He did not hesitate for a moment and decided to provide the robbed brass band with brand new instruments.

The musicians from Haarlem are "really overwhelmed," is what they wrote on Face book. The nightmare for the Haarlem brass band "Happy with Music" took place last night, when thieves left with their trailer containing all their musical instruments. The trailer was parked along the Spaarne river. "Oh ..... we are so angry!!  And so sad!", the corps desperately wrote on Face book.

The news hit hard in Haarlem, where the band is a welcome guest. The band's "Happy with Music" foundation consists of around 25 people with intellectual disabilities who make music together every week on percussion and wind instruments. The group's instruments were acquired over a period of  seventeen years thanks to, among other things, sponsoring campaigns.

The news about the theft was massively shared after the initial announcement. Immediately a crowd funding campaign was set up which raised enough money to be able to purchase new instruments. Other fanfare bands in the Netherlands also came to the rescue. "Would you like to borrow our instruments for a while?" was the response on social media from all over the world.

The cowardly theft also reached world star and orchestra leader André Rieu. The "King of the Waltz" was so touched by the news that he immediately decided to take action. He immediately contacted the brass band and made a proposal which was received with great enthusiasm."  This is outrageous, which is why he immediately arranged for new instruments," Rieu's spokesperson confirms today.

"Heart Broken"

He tells De Telegraaf that "his heart broke" when he read that the group of musicians had been robbed of their instruments. "That's why I'm going to help them, so that later they can be one hundred percent "Happy with Music" again. I want to give them back the joy of music taken from them," says Rieu. The Limburg violinist is responsible for all costs for the new instruments.

Juria van der Lubbe, chairman of the brass band, reacted very emotionally. "What a lovely man, that he will do this for our corps. I'm completely confused. We first have to process this. ” In the meantime they have already made contact with Rieu's management.

The members of the brass band are, just like Juria completely overwhelmed by this sweet gesture. In addition, they have decided not to let this get to them.  Since they want to play, but have to wait a while for the new instruments, they are now trying to borrow enough instruments to form a full-blown band.

"Full Regalia"

This afternoon, "Happy with Music" will hopefully be in full swing at a jubilee premiere in Deventer. "We will set off this afternoon with a wonderful, proud feeling," they write. " Thanks to the Damiate Band Haarlem and an association from Deventer, we can now perform!"

In the meantime André Rieu (69), is now busy preparing for his twelve jubilee concerts at the Vrijthof in Maastricht. Earlier this year, André donated no less than 700 tons of steel for the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris.
Thanks to John for the Translation

André Rieu Does Not Have To Buy New Instruments 
For Robbed Musicians With Disabilities

June 16th - André Rieu does not have to open up his wallet to help out the robbed brass band from Haarlem. All stolen instruments with an estimated value of at least 20,000 Euros have been recovered. Rieu had offered to purchase new instruments for the band.

According to the police, the instruments were recovered yesterday (Friday) afternoon, and are virtually undamaged, and have since been returned to the victim brass band. The trailer in which those instruments were located has not yet been found. People with an intellectual disability play in this band.

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