Apr 23, 2020

André's Reaction To The Concerts Postponement

André's Reaction To The Postponement of The Vrijthof Concerts

Concept for a festival-free summer
It was expected, but now it is official: all festivals and major events in our country (the Netherlands) are canceled this summer. That was announced by Prime Minister Mark Rutte last night. (April 20, 2020)
BY ROB COBBEN, de Limburger

Until September first, all large-scale gatherings are prohibited in connection with the fight against the corona virus. This means, among other things, cancelation of Pinkpop in Landgraaf, Bospop in Weert, Solar Weekend Festival in Roermond, Zomerparkfeest in Venlo and André Rieu's concerts at the Maastricht Vrijthof. The Limburg Festival in Central Limburg and Cultura Nova in Parkstad are also scrapped, although the organization of the latter festival is still looking for possible alternatives.

"Due to the corona virus, the ban on events has been extended to September 1," said Rutte. "No events are taking place because we cannot afford the risks in the coming months. We also want to do justice to the need for clarity among organizations, ”said the prime minister.

André Rieu reacted disappointed, but he fully understands the cabinet's decision. “Right now, corona affects our entire lives. Our main concern is the safety and wellbeing of our beloved fans, musicians, team and audience, all part of the great "André-Rieu Family". For many, this news is heartbreaking - and it is very difficult for us to accept this decision. My orchestra and I have been so proud that since 2005 we were able to welcome visitors from all over the world to more than 100 concerts in my beautiful home town of Maastricht, ”says Rieu. More than 100,000 tickets and travel arrangements had already been sold for the series of twelve concerts in July. These will remain valid for next year's concerts, which will then take place from 1 to 18 July, Rieu reports.

Thanks John for this translation


  1. André est déçu, c'est compréhensible et son public aussi est triste de ne pas pouvoir profiter de cette belle musique sur la place Vrijthof de Maastricht mais la santé de tous est primordiale et nous nous retrouverons en 2021 avec toujours la même ferveur devant le talent de ce merveilleux orchestre et son fantastique chef. Bon courage André, des jours meilleurs viendront ! Francine .

  2. I am very sad, about what happening everywhere. Here in the US, it is almost the same. Some states are planning to open at least the beaches and some parks. Let see how that goes. But everything else is closed and many people had lost their jobs, sometimes with both of the married couples and with children. So the situation is chaotic. Some are working from home and others are working behind the lines to keep the people feed. I know that your life revolve around the music that you and your orchestra magisterially play and make everybody who go to your concerts happy and enjoy themselves. Andre, please do not despair,keep your spirit high and very soon, with God help this situation will end and you will play again. Take care of yourself and your family. It is the only thing what we can do right now. And pray, pray a lot. I keep listening and watching your videos and with that i feel better, even that many times i cry a lot.
    God bless you!! All my Love!

  3. We had tickets for the Oakland, California, concert that had to be cancelled. It was very disappointing. My husband and I were arguing about going because he was worried but I was going no matter what. At least the cancellation stopped a family feud! LOL! I hope he comes our way again! Thanks be to God for his talent and the joy he has brought to so many. I like it that his wife is named Marjorie as that's my name, too. LOVE his music as I played percussion in high school and college and also play the piano and organ. Music is a BIG part of my life and there's nothing like the classics!! Please keep on bringing Joy to the world!!
    Marjorie Pryor from Rough & Ready, California, USA
