Apr 27, 2020

Rieu: Baking Instead of Playing For The King

André Rieu: Baking Instead of Playing For The King

Orange Cake From The Kitchen
 of The Orchestra Leader

Chapeau Magazine - Normally, it was expected that André Rieu and his orchestra would perform a mini-concert today for King Willem Alexander and his family during their planned visit of King's Day to Maastricht. The cozy Onze Lieve Vrouweplein would probably have been the setting for this special performance.

But because of corona all that was canceled and the king stayed at home. The king of the waltz also, at his home in the Maastricht district of St. Pieter. He wanted to pay tribute to the royal family today and came up with the idea of baking a special King's cake, with of course orange as the dominant color. And because the Maastricht musician never thinks small, it became a big cake, with whipped cream and all, of which many a family could eat.

André Rieu in recent years has increasingly seen cooking as a pleasant form of relaxation and is now frequently in his professional kitchen experimenting with all kinds of dishes. “When we are on the road with the orchestra, I eat out, although we always bring our own catering. But at home I can really make what I like, it is a beautiful and creative hobby for me, which I enjoy. Which does not alter the fact that I am eager to perform again. But unfortunately we still have to be patient for a while."

Thanks to John for the Translation and Ineke for the article


  1. Bonjour! C'est bien dommage que la visite de sa Majesté Willem Alexander à Maastricht pour le jour du Roi est été annulée, ce n'est que partie remise puisqu'il semble que 2021 verra cette sympathique manifestation se dérouler au coeur de cette belle ville que j'adore . André fête à sa manière cet événement avec sa créativité de pâtissier, il a autant de talent en ce domaine qu'il en a avec son violon. Bravo à lui et bonne dégustation pour ces merveilleux gâteaux ! Amitiés depuis la France. Francine .

  2. The cake looks fantastic and it is a shame that you couldn't play for the King this year how you used too. But unfortunately this year is different and I know that your Majestic the King will understand that everybody is in the same boat. Better times will come pretty soon, I hope and you will play music again. In the meantime take care of yourself. Love from Florida
