Apr 4, 2020

Rieu Remains Optimistic About The "Vrijthof"

André Rieu remains optimistic about the "Vrijthof"

Evert Santegoeds Hollandse Hoogte

Performing For André Rieu Is Currently Out Of The Question

Telegraaf/Privé - Rieu is still positive that his popular summer concerts on the Vrijthof in Maastricht in July will go on. He remains optimistic. "I think it is too premature now, at the beginning of April, to make the decision to cancel the concerts," he says. " We hope the situation will improve and that everyone will keep to their agreements. If this does not happen and other measures are taken, we will have to consider that and then look for solutions." While huge pop festivals such as Easter-pop, liberation festivals and the European song festival have been cancelled or being taken into consideration, Rieu keeps hoping for the highlight of the year in his Maastricht: "We continue to work behind the scenes on the program. Besides, ticket sales have not been cancelled yet."


Fans from all over the world travel to Limburg every year to experience the atmosphere at the Vrijthof. Currently all concerts have been cancelled after Rieu and his orchestra returned head over heels from America.The next planned concert will be in Cologne on 15 May.

Andre: "In any case, as soon as we are allowed to perform again, we will pay a musical tribute to all the doctors and healthcare professionals, who are now doing everything to save lives.  I have an enormous amount of respect for them all."

Thanks to John for the Translation
and Ineke for the article


  1. Espérons tous que la situation s'améliore et que les magnifiques concerts au Vrijthof en juillet puissent avoir lieu pour le plus grand bonheur de tous les fans d'André qui attendent ce moment chaque année. Bravo et merci Maestro pour tout. Du sud de la France, une fidèle depuis toujours, Francine.

  2. Dans tous les cas, restons positifs.

  3. I hope and pray that your concerts in May could be done! Everything has an end and this virus is going to go away hopefully soon, for the good of all the people affected around the world, not only with the virus but with unemployment and loss of almost everything for living.
    Keep the faith Andre and keep praying. We love your music and your talent.

    Be safe and God bless you today and always,

    Love, from Florida

    Maria Maresma
