Apr 8, 2020

Rieu Experiences "Most Difficult Period of His Career

André Rieu Experiences 
"Most Difficult Period of His Career"

Joost Schreurs, 1Limburg: André Rieu has expressed his concerns about the corona virus with a video message. (The message of video is as follows).

According to him, the violinist is going through the most difficult period of his career ... He is concerned about his private life as well as his company.


The 70-year-old violinist from Maastricht is concerned about the health of everyone dear to him. The Rieu family is committed to staying healthy and abiding by the rules. In addition, he has great respect for everyone who works in healthcare. "We pray for those people that they will continue this tough task," said Rieu.


In addition to his private life, the Maastricht resident also has concerns about his company. "I am responsible for 135 permanent employees and about 100 freelancers around the world." Rieu is happy with the help the government offers.

Vrijthof Concerts

In July, the stand-alone violinist, together with his Johann Strauss Orchestra, have planned to give the traditional concerts on the Vrijthof in Maastricht. Last year, those concerts attracted more than 100,000 visitors from 99 countries. Nothing yet is known about the possible cancellation of the concerts.

Thanks to John for his Translation and Ineke for the article

1 comment:

  1. Bon courage à André dans cette période difficile aussi bien dans sa vie familiale que professionnelle. Je souhaite que tout s'arrange très vite pour sa tranquillité et aussi pour le bonheur de son public qui attend ses concerts car nous avons tous besoin de sa musique. Croisons les doigts cher Maestro ! Amitiés de France. Francine .
