Apr 11, 2020

The Waltz King Happily Keeps On Baking

The Waltz King Happily Keeps On Baking

How do people in the cultural world survive this crisis? In the section of "Creativity during corona" we allow Limburg musicians, authors, artists and theater makers have their say. In the first episode: André Rieu, leader of the Johann Strauss Orchestra, and some of his musicians.

Maastricht "de Limburger" BY PETER VAN DE BERG AND ROB COBBEN: These days, the kitchen of the age-old "Huis de Torentjes" (House of the little Towers) in Maastricht regularly has a pleasant baking smell. In the historical place where, according to legend, the famous French musketeer d'Artagnan had his last breakfast before he died during the "Siege of Maastricht in 1673", André Rieu uses baking tins and dough beaters. His famous Stradivarius and bow were exchanged for kitchen utensils. 

The corona crisis also haunts the maestro at home. He has discovered a tasty pastime: baking and cooking. And preferably sweet delicacies. Be it waffles with strawberries and a dot of whipped cream or raspberry Bavarians. Master pastry chef Robert van Beckhoven could invite the Waltz King immediately to participate in the popular TV program "All the Netherlands Bakes.". 

Rieu - who turned 70 in October last year - enjoys it tremendously during this less concert time. With son Pierre and his family within walking distance of the castle, it is not difficult to find pastry lovers. "My wife Marjorie is already complaining that after the corona period, she will probably have gained weight. Just kidding! I especially enjoy being busy in the kitchen and handing out the baking to the neighbors and other people who love it. ”

Iron Grip

The corona crisis also puts Rieu and his orchestra in an unreal situation which the Maastricht  residents have never experienced before. It abruptly ended his tour in the United States and has kept the stand-alone violinist far from the stage ever since. So in familiar surroundings, he especially enjoys the little pleasures of life. "Fortunately it is still going well. I am healthy and fit and that is quite a lot nowadays if you can say that. I sleep well and get up refreshed and cheerful. I start each day cheerfully and full of energy ”

I like to hand out the bakings to the neighbors and the people who love them.

And he doesn't just use that energy every day to stand behind the stove. “I regularly work out in my gym via Face time with my trainer in the background. I work out ideas, make plans for the future, study and finally found time to clean up my office again.”

Raring To Go

One thing is certain. The world star - as he calls himself - is kicking like a horse in the stable raring to go outside, travel the world and entertain his fans with concerts again. "That is my passion and my life. And also my orchestra's." He finds support and comfort in these difficult times from family and fans. "We talk a lot with each other. Pierre is also often here to discuss matters. And of course I speak with  the people from our office a lot. There is a lot to arrange, tours have to be moved. I get great feedback from fans around the world, via Face book, Twitter and Instagram. I recently posted a photo of a beautiful bunch of tulips which reached two million people ... ”Rieu has not locked himself up in his castle, he says. "I definitely come outside, nicely keep my distance from everyone. We do the shopping and let the dogs out. ”


Of course there are also concerns. About his company and all his employees. “With a turnover of 0 percent, you can imagine the consequences. No company can last that long. So I am very happy with the promised support from the government. ” Whether the Vrijthof concerts will continue this summer is still uncertain. "We await the government's decisions."

At least the Easter days are already well filled in, says Rieu. “Walking, reading, studying, cooking, baking, calling or texting with the children and grandchildren. And talk a lot with Marjorie. After 45 years we are still not done talking. That's fantastic! ”

Thanks to John for this article's translation


  1. Bonjour! En ces temps difficiles pour tout le monde, André s'adonne à sa grande passion après la musique, la cuisine et la pâtisserie et ce pour le plus grand plaisir de sa famille, ses amis et voisins à qui il distribue avec la gentillesse qu'on lui connait, ses savoureuses créations. Bravo à lui et espérons que l'on pourra bientôt le retrouver sur scène avec son violon et le bonheur qu'il apporte à son public. Prends soin de toi et de ta famille cher André ! Amitiés depuis la France. Francine !

  2. Deseo de corazón acabe pronto este virus. Me alegro por ti André seas optimista. Los mejores deseos de recuperación para todos a ti y a la Jso, junto con las familias. Un abrazo desde Barcelona.

  3. glad that you are so cheerful doing what you like most beside playing the violin. Glad that you are fine and also your family and the members of your orchestra. In the meantime i am happy to watch your videos over and over again. Some make me laugh, some make me cry, some are funny but in general they are the ones who keep me sane in this turbulent times that we all are living. Keep the good spirit Andre. the world need you and we will enjoy your music again hopefully early. God bless you today and always.

    From Florida

    Maria Maresma

  4. Enjoy your DVDs all the time especially as I live on my own cheers up the soul no end keep safe and healthy and hopefully we will be back again soon judi
