Apr 11, 2020

The Waltz King Bakes - Part Two

The Waltz King Bakes - Part Two

Giving Mini-Concerts To Support Vulnerable People
Donij van Doorn 

“I really miss touring and making music with my Rieu family, but I try to make the best of it. I do chores which normally remain: polish furniture, baking, gardening. And the best part: giving mini concerts with my friend and singer Fabian Egli. At nursing homes, where we try to support vulnerable, isolated people. We already have about thirty concerts behind us. A smile, a tear, moving feet and hands, words being sung along, that's what we do it for. I am also a bit afraid that people do not follow the rules and companies go under; and am concerned about people with occupations which are now so heavily taxed; and people who cannot say goodbye to their loved ones. But I also see so many beautiful things happening. People who support each other creatively. Heartwarming!"

Doing Puzzles and Chores
Manoe Konings

“I have no work outside the orchestra, I am at home and I keep to the virus guidelines as much as possible. Getting through the day is no problem. There are plenty of chores in and around the house that otherwise remain undone. And of course there are activities which I normally hardly have time for: doing jigsaw puzzles, learning Spanish, reading books which are too heavy to take on tour. And of course rehearsing, because making music is top sport. I also hope that we all consider things which we normally take for granted. That we are going to put things into perspective.”

Rehearsing, High Up In The Tower
Franks Steijns

"I am also the city carillonneur in Maastricht, Heerlen and Weert. Fortunately, I can continue to do that kind of work. I have a "study room" in the tower. Nobody hears me there, except the falcons. In a crisis you learn to know your real friends. And that certainly applies to our orchestra. We are now massively sharing old photos and films of the orchestra, the most beautiful memories from the past thirty years. Distance or not, we remain a very close-knit club. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can get back on stage together healthy and safe.

Thanks to John for the Translation

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