Jul 14, 2020

André Rieu With friend André van Duin

With friend André van Duin, the Waltz King reminisces about his rich career.

André Rieu "VIENNA was my worst concert"

From "de Telegraaf": Setbacks, disappointments and even opposition ... ANDRÉ RIEU has been affected by it across the entire world. With ANDRÉ VAN DUIN he’s currently making a cinema production where he looks back at FIFTEEN YEARS OF VRIJTHOF CONCERTS. And looking back he does, with his comedian friend while on a Maastricht terrace awaiting his comeback on the stage ...

Setbacks always made you stronger you say.
"We have never avoided major challenges. Australia was of course a gigantic adventure. Whenever you see a program on TV in which customs turns all your suitcases inside out because they are afraid of non-native fungi, plants and food which tourists take with them - you can imagine what can happen when you see a complete Schönbrunn Palace in 250 containers arrive. In one of the boxes a snail was found and promptly, nothing else was cleared. Everything was gone through looking for more snails. And what turned out later? Fortunately, it was an Australian snail which had crawled between them so we were able to continue. At that moment you go crazy, but later you laugh about it.”

Which was the worst?
"Strangely enough, Vienna. There we were going to perform at the Michaelerplatz, near the Hofburg. But what we experienced there with the bureaucracy, that surpassed everything. Before that, Schönbrunn went well, and after that this concert would be performed in the city center. But the Austrians thought: "What does he think he can do?" It was all about lamp posts, manhole covers and fire hydrants. And nothing was allowed and nothing was could be done. Fortunately we had help from ZDF, the German TV who would mediate to get all the permits. We ran into a wall of opposition. When we asked our contact person how things were going, he just said optimistically: "Wien läuft!" (Vienna moves) That is still a great expression in our company, when things go wrong. "Hahaha. Wien läuft!" Actually it all turned out well in the end. During the concert I ironically thank all the Viennese officials in the districts for their incredible cooperation. Then you hear a laugh rolling from the first row to all rows behind it. That was so recognizable for everyone, apparently…”

But you receive a lot in return.
"In the sense of audiences reactions, yes. Beautiful letters from people who sometimes save for years to be able to attend a concert somewhere. This year we expected more than a hundred nationalities on the Vrijthof. It is therefore very regrettable that some people who had booked airline tickets and hotels will have to wait for a year now, hoping that they will still succeed. That is why I am happy with the Cinema Production which we have now recorded with ANDRÉ VAN DUIN and can be seen on August 20th. These are the highlights of fifteen years of Vrijthof concerts, narrated together with André, in an excellent image and sound quality.”

For yet one more reason, this has been a difficult year for you, André
"Yes, as people know, my husband MARTIN died in January. No one had any idea what was in store for them shortly after that. Suddenly corona reared and that of course also turned things upside down. I was very happy at that time that I had decided not to move at the last minute. The house on the canal was almost sold and I would have gone to a nice apartment. But now at least I have been able to spend those weeks in my familiar surroundings. And yes, I also went back to work. All of Holland Bakes, and with JANNIE VAN DER HEIJDEN I will go sailing again. Three episodes "Thinking of Holland" are now finished. We recorded on the river Vecht in Friesland, and here in Limburg in Thorn. It is so beautiful there! It is a wonderful program to be doing and it also leads to distractions. Just like this, a wonderful day in Maastricht!”

Are you two friends?
André Rieu: “Obviously, there is a lot of distance between our residences, and I am normally away a lot. But we always keep in touch. I also really sympathized with André when Martin passed. Yes, then I did let him know I was there for him. ”
André van Duin: “Very sweet, yes. We have known each other for a long time, I performed with André and his orchestra as "Mr. Wijdbeens." That resulted in a few collaborations and I also stood here on the Vrijthof as myself and sang Het Dorp. (The Village) We clicked immediately. ”
Rieu: "We have the same humor."
Van Duin: "And he even plays the violin along with that too!"

How did the friendship with Anthony Hopkins fair? The Silence of the Lambs movie star who had written a waltz?
"Yes, and we recorded and performed that in front of him. I don't know how things are now. He is quite a unique individual. At some point we had a very profound contact. What I always found weird was that he had a new phone number every week.” "What is that for?" I once asked, he said he had been doing that ever since there were cell phones. Then, in an interview, I said somewhere that he had tears in his eyes when he heard his own waltz. But according to him that was not the case: he never had tears in his eyes. After that it was done, I believe. Well, then that is that.

And in quick succession two hundred-year-old fans passed away.
“Yes, VERA LYNN of whom we always play "Land of Hope and Glory" while in England, which causes every hall to immediately turn upside down. Great that I was able to meet her. And of course you mean my oldest fan in Maastricht, SISTER LEONA. She was 105 years old. This nun already came to the Hieringbiete (Herring bites) on Ash Wednesday more than 25 years ago, the day after Carnival. There is where I always played in the Staargebouw. That was not allowed to do by Mother Superior, but she did it anyway. So she was already 75 years old at that time, but when she returned to the monastery - located here just behind the Vrijthof - and she heard where Sister Leona had been, then came the command: "To bed!" When she turned 100, she sat in the first row. And after that we danced on the square every year. She passed away this year, also a special woman.”

You certainly have never been in Maastricht for as long as you have now?
"All in one stretch, yes, that was long ago. But we are here quite frequently though" No matter how we travel around, we always plan to never be gone for more than three weeks. The orchestra members have partners, families and children. Being away for longer would not be good. Sometimes it is quite a puzzle, but this way it works out best. And now we are still here for a while. We miss performing together, because it is not just work of course, but a passion. We make the best of it, and we continue to hope.”

Thanks to John for the Translation and Ruud and Ineke for the article


  1. André Rieu et André Van Duin, deux compères que j'aime beaucoup, ils ont tellement de talent chacun dans sa partie. J'adore la manière dont André Rieu se sort des problèmes qu'il peut rencontrer au cours de ses concerts, son optimisme est superbe et j'espère que la situation va s'arranger pour que ses concerts puissent reprendre très vite. Courage Maestro et à l'année prochaine au Vrijthof. Francine .

  2. J'aime ces reportae et aussi la complicité depuis des années avec andre van duin il ons chaquin leurs talents monsieur rieu on prie pour que cette pandemie parte le olus vite possible pour la reprise de vos concerts et j'esoere que vous irai qand même et que vous ferai vos concerts a venir
