Aug 8, 2020

Franks Steijns still crazy about "musical karate"


City carillonneur Franks Steijns still crazy about "musical karate"

Frank Steijns is celebrating his 25th anniversary this year as the city carillonneur of Heerlen. The versatile musician, known from Rieu's Johann Strauss Orchestra, is crazy about his Heerlen "heavy metal" - over 10,000 kilos of bronze bells - high up in the church tower.

"de Limburger," by Kim Noach: Anyone walking through the center of Heerlen on a summer day should not be surprised to hear all of a sudden "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica from the bell tower of the Pancratius Church. City carillonneur Frank Steijns (49) from Maastricht has the popular rock song in his repertoire, along classics such as "Glück Auf."

This year, the musician is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the city carillonneur of Heerlen, Last year he celebrated a quarter of a century in the same profession in the city of Weert and in 2022 he will again be celebrating a silver party, but then in Maastricht. The festival is will be celebrated in Heerlen with a whole series of concerts (see below).

Heavy Metal

Steijns took over the position as city carillonneur from his father Mathieu who had been playing the carillon in Maastricht and Heerlen since the 1960s. “I remember that as a five-year-old boy I witnessed my father playing the new Servaas carillon. The fact that the entire city can hear you, made a big impression. I was so proud of my father. "I want to do that too," I told him enthusiastically. His answer: "Either you complete your education, or you stay away from it." Steijns smiles: "Yes, he was serious when it was about music."

The paternal advice did not fall on deaf ears. Steijns junior is studied at the Royal Carillon School in Mechelen, where he graduated summa cum laude in 1991. At the age of 23 he made his debut in Heerlen - at that time he was the youngest carillonneur in the world. “My father played everything from the classical genre, I also added pop songs such as Marco Borsato's "Most Dreams Are Deception," a big hit at the time. But I also play Metallica.” With a grin: "There is more than 10,000 kilos of bronze in that tower, that's heavy metal too isn't it?"


Anyone who wants to hear Steijns live just once, can have fun in August with a diverse number of concerts from classical to pop and jazz. His goal is to show the versatility of the instrument. “The Heerlen carillon is an undiscovered pearl, the Stradivarius of the carillons. And I really mean that."

He explains that the 49 bells have hung in the church tower since 1964 and were made by Royal Eijsbouts from Asten, who are known as "the crème de la crème" in the world of bell founders. The carillon was paid for by DSM at the time, Steijns happens to know. “During the heyday of the mines, there was sufficient money to go for quality. That is why there is still beautiful thick bronze works in the church tower. Today such a thing is unaffordable due to the price of bronze. The quality is reflected in the sound. How would I describe that? A warm, full sound, romantic. Not so "pingly."

The carillon was restored in 2011. Steijns: “We have replaced the old steel cables which connect the clocks to the keyboard with light but super strong Dyneema cables. Yes, also from DSM. ” 

Concerts to celebrate Steijn's anniversary 

In collaboration with "Parkstad Limburg Theaters," Frank Steijns will be celebrating his silver jubilee in August with a series of concerts in which the city carillonneur is assisted by various artists. 

- Sunday 9 August, 3 pm: violinist Enzo Kok and clarinetist Emil Szarkowicz 

- Tuesday 11 August, 11.00 am: Carboniferous singer and guitarist Rim Steijvers and flutist Iris van Cleef 

- Tuesday 11 August, 7 pm: Koen van Assche plays Beethoven (city carillonneur of, among others, Antwerp) 

- Thursday 13 August, 7 pm: App Your Song, concert filled with requests

- Saturday, August 15, 7 p.m.: singer Tamara Hoekwater and guitarist Pieter Vermeulen (both ex-Volumia) play jazz 

- Sunday August 16, 3 pm: Bronze-green Carillon with accordionist Carlo Plaum 

- Tuesday 18 August, 7 pm: youngest carillonneur in the world Elien Van den Broeck from Belgium 

- Saturday 22 August, 1 pm: Steijns will play Johann Sebastian Bach 

- Wednesday 26 August, 7 p.m .: three sopranos from Strauss Orkest Rieu (Madieke Marjon, Christina Petrou and Joline Soomers) sing pop and classics 

- Saturday 29 August, 7 pm: Canto Ostinato meets jazz with Jeroen van Veen and Mike del Ferro

Thanks to John for his translation.


  1. Congratulations to Franks! Here’s to at least 25 more years for you and the bells!

  2. MUCHAS FELICIDADES fRANK. Espero verte actuar despues de la covid-19.
