Nov 9, 2020

Rieu To Play Eight Additional Concerts On The Vrijthof

Rieu To Play Eight Additional

 Concerts On The Vrijthof in 2021

André Rieu may perform an additional extra eight days at the Vrijthof in 2021. Providing the corona is under control, and then the violinist and his orchestra can be admired from June 30 to July 25th.


During a committee meeting, André Rieu texted city councilor John Aarts on 6 October. He wanted to know which direction things were going. Aarts told the orchestra leader to be patient for another month. Last night the time had finally come: in 2021 not only will he be allowed to perform twelve times, but this time as many as twenty. Primarily because of corona.

This decision was politically quite sensitive, partly because the municipality initially argued about the exception with, amongst other things, "the economic damage limitation placed by Rieu."

Opinions were deeply divided, from "the economic interest prevailing over that of the residents" to "the critics are doing insufficient justice to the great importance of Rieu's contribution to this city." We have gold in our hands, and other cities would be overjoyed having him. "The one and real doubter, D66, presented a motion last night. This motion explicitly limits the eleven extra days (Magical Maastricht plus two) to the already planned events. As a band-aid against the "bleeding" of inner-city residents, the municipality must also promote the new city sector in the Frontenpark as an alternative event location.

That motion was carried by a 20 to 16 decision. The coalition, minus Greens Left (Political Party), supported D66. This with reference to the laboriously agreed standard of a maximum of sixty event days on the square. "Extra days do not remove the corona damage done."

D66 did not receive any compliments. Jack Gerats

(SP) put his finger on a sore spot: "D66 has apparently failed to come up with a real alternative, this is a proposal for the stage." Andreas Lurvink supported the motion, but pointed to a possible precedent: “Put a beer tap on the Vrijthof and you have a party. Do it twice and it's a tradition.”

Ultimately, the extension of the number of event

days to 71 received the support of 25 councilors. The difference with the motion was mainly that the "Party Safe Maastricht" (three seats) now voted in favor. "As far as we are concerned, the expansion could become permanent, as long as this can be done in consultation with local residents," said Tiny Meese. Alderman Aarts was then able to report the good news to Rieu.

Thank You to John for the article and translation


  1. Tant mieux pour André, il pourra donc avoir deux concerts supplémentaires pour essayer de compenser un peu les pertes de cette triste année 2020 . J'espère que 2021 sera meilleur et que nous, les fans inconditionnels d'André, pourrons être à nouveau sur la place Vrijthof pour profiter de cette magnifique musique qui nous manque tant cette année. Amitiés de France à André et son superbe JSO . Francine .

  2. Thank you Andre, Thank you Maastricht. We will be there.
