Aug 26, 2010

Watch André Rieu's Three Hour Interview on Classical Radio

Watch André Rieu's Three Hour Interview Now With English Subtitles!!
On July 22nd, 2010 André took part in a three hour marathon interview. This interview was held in his castle and was broadcast live on Radio 4, the Dutch classical channel. At the same time the interview could been seen on the website of the radio program. You not only see André and the interviewer Maartje van Weegen, but also nice pictures of Maastricht and the surroundings of the castle.
We have removed much of the music (selected by André) to shorten the total length of the video. The interview will however give an impression of André's music choice. In the third part there is also an interview with Marjorie, but she does not appear in the video. For those who want to enjoy André's music choice, we have added a fourth video containing all musical pieces. Enjoy this selection and pictures of Maastricht and the surroundings of the castle ... Ruud
A Big thanks to Ineke and John for The Marathon Translation of This Marathon Interview! ... Click on the link to watch it:


  1. I listened to the original and wished I understood the dialogue. I just enjoyed Andre's voice. Now I can find out what they were talking about. Thank you SO very much for all your hard work. As I hope for Andre's speedy recovery I can watch your epic translation.
    Mhorag from USA

  2. Mary Webster27 August, 2010

    I too listened to the original only picking up a few words here and there that I did understand and enjoying André’s voice. I watched it last night; it was nice to know exactly what was said. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope André is well very soon.

  3. Lana Campbell29 August, 2010

    I am currently enjoying this, by instalment, along with "My African Dream" purchased yesterday.

    Thinking of Andre and wishing him a full recovery very soon.

    Looking forward to my first 'live concert' in October ~ I hope he will be well enough.
