Apr 5, 2013

André Rieu Interview ( English Translation) on Kings Waltz

John has translated the Interview André did with Giel Beelen about his new CD and King's Waltz so that we all can know what André is saying in it. It was long and not an easy task, so a special THANK YOU to John!

The New Anthem

Giel: The real news is being written by the man who is opposite from me. André Rieu, good morning.
André: Hallo Giel
Giel: I feel honored that I am allowed to ...the new national anthem.
André: the new national anthem.
Giel: Yes, it is so. I am going to make it the highlight of our talk. I am going to delay that a little. First I would like to talk about new things with which you are busy. Then last time we spoke, we talked about Limburg and I have never received so many international reactions in my mailbox as then. Really, when I was speaking with you on the phone, we were connected to your studio, your castle and then there was for the first time the sound of Jermain Jackson, and you’ve noticed it too, whenever you are working with the Jackson, than pfffd.
Andre: Yep
Giel: Unbelievable reactions.
André: Really? It was extremely nice to write that in.
Giel: And when will that be released?
André: Well, we are going to work with him on the Vrijthof, and then afterward there might be a plan for a CD named “André Rieu and friends” and he will be part of that.
Giel: First a little piece of music. I keep interrupting you, but not with Jermain Jackson. Still acceptable in the Netherlands, “Autumn leaves”
André: Yes
Giel: The summer will be here shortly, but we can also listen to other things, in a matter of speaking ...
The man with the hammer, “Triny Lopez!!!!” Does he still perform?
André: Absolutely, he’s as fit as a puppy. Really!!
Giel: And how did you make contact with him?
André: I do not know, Jermain was there and suddenly someone said: “What do you think about Triny Lopez
André?" I said “Of course, bring him on” and three days later he was here.
Giel: Fantastic!! That’s the way to make friends!!
André: Can you see us jumping already?
Giel: Precisely … and now totally!!! That is going to be quite an evening on the Vrijthof.
André: And when I play the sun shines.
Giel: When you play the sun shines ...But that is for your orchestra ...which orchestra is this?
André: My orchestra, they can do it all!!
Giel: That is different, that takes some getting used to.
André: Yes, but they adjust right away ...
Giel: The brass section must have been happy?
André: Yes they were, and also the percussionists …
Giel: OK, that is musses for the future, André Rieu and Friends of course … and now we are ... at the end of the month
André: 30 April
Giel: 30 April, and you will almost go crazy, the amount of information regarding this date and how many King’s songs there are, holy
André: Is that a fact? I did not know that
Giel: Yes, I spoke with Ilse yesterday and there is a song by Johnny Eubank, it’s a piano song which Guus Meeuweson is working on, and it will become a sort of united artists, and the real “cool” individual will not participate, but what you produced, or what you are going to produce is simply a new national Anthem…..
André: Yes….it happened like this. The British asked if I would compose a waltz for their Queen, which we did.
Giel: You are doing that too?
André: yes
Giel: traitor …
André: Traitor!?!? Come on now, I travel the entire world!
Giel: Yes, I know … that is true
André: So we thought, let’s do a Waltz for Willem-Alexander and Maxima
Giel: And they asked you to do that?
André: No ... that was not asked at all
Giel: They did not ask you at all??
André: No they did not ask that at all … we just did it ... just like that.
Giel: What a sweetheart you are 
André: I just composed it, nothing more, and I just sent it on and the record company said WHOOOOOH
Giel: Wait a minute, for the same amount of money you would have to perform on the Museum square, the King’s square, that all came together later on?
André: yes
Giel: Fantastic!!! And that too will become quite a spectacle, yes André Rieu and friends will too, but differently. And I understand you will be performing with two other Andrés
André: yes, the three Andrés, that was a wish by Joop van Ende who said we have to bring the three Andrés on stage. First I will play the “King’s Waltz” then the 
“ Willhelmus” (Dutch national Anthem) and then “Oranje Boven” (Orange on High) with André.
Giel: André van Duin
André: And then we’ll do another piece in between, I don’t know exactly what.
Giel: André hazes
André: And then we’ll have “She believes in me” with Martijn Fisher and then we do a nice intonation with the percussions and then André will join us ...
Giel: It will be quite an affair
André: I think so too
Giel: you say it is the King’s Waltz, but actually it is a medley
André: yes, it starts very majestically.
Giel: I have aired that a couple of times already, but I kept talking through it.
André: Oh and you are going to do that again too?
Giel: No I will not do that his time, No, no, no, no in that aspect it is more in the line of history, and it is the first time that the entire Netherlands can listen, it is one of the few times that we play a real classical piece of music
André: Oh, that is nice I look forward to it …
Giel: a lot of classical are incorporated, Oranje boven (Orange on high) the Silver Fleet, I am thinking that Martijn as André Hazes could also sing along “We Love the Oranges”(The royal house)
André: No I think that when the entire Museum Square … let it all hang out …
Giel: And the beginning: “In the name of orange, open the gate” I do not know that ...
André: You don’t know that?? That is a very well known Dutch song ...
Giel: that is a real classic.
André: Yes, they open the gate and then you see them enter…
Giel: you are totally imagining that … you see them coming.
André: Yes, I do
Giel: OK, I am going to it, this is it, for the first time on Dutch radio, a new song, the King’s Waltz by André Rieu and the Johann Strauß orchestra!!! “The Coronation Waltz” and give it a big applause which really belongs with it!!!For the first time on Dutch radio and I am not the only one and I have received many text message from people who had goose bumps with this piece. I’ll place my hands on my heart “Long live the King!!!!” Quite a different feeling, this Coronation Waltz, better than the old national Anthem. And there are people who believe this became the “Efteling Radio”. Goose bumps, this piece makes me proud to be Dutch!!! This is IT!! I know it, in the afternoon we have a meeting of all the DJ’s together. As far as I am concerned this should become a mega hit ... and we’ll play just the Coronation Waltz for the entire week.
André: Go right ahead!!
Giel: Shall I make it into a remake?? Cool not??
André: Very nice!!
Giles: the remix is already here … André, how neat. There are people who say that you are not quite a businessman
André: That could be possible
Giel: yes, there are two airplanes that carry all the instruments and a lots of goings on, but I think you are tops, because a complete CD will be released “Rieu Royal” and all the songs are there, the King’s Waltz, the “Wilhelmus” on the Amsterdam Canals, the Second Waltz for those who do not have that yet, and you thought for Maxima “Don’t cry for me Argentina”
André: Absolutely…
Giel: an entire CD. That shouts with big letters “PLATINUM” I’ll play one more piece from the Rieu Royal, it is all about the coronation, but it is time to say goodbye André and I hope to speak with you again before 30 April
André: We’ll play that for Queen Beatrix
Giel: Precisely … I’ll try just like any other Dutchman to be there ... it will be extremely busy.
André: No, we’ll present very nice images, images about Beatrix.
Giel: Will there be a DVD?
André: I think so, yes …
Giel: So I don’t think we need to be smashed up against the first row …
André: It will be pleasant.
Giel: So we all won’t need to be waltzing. André thanks, it was an honor for me to play the waltz. As the very first one
André: happy to have been here.
Giel: Fleur, to be the very first ...
Fleur: I am getting excited


  1. Cool, thanks! But is is a new piece he wrote or is it a medley he made of peices that already existed before :?
    Can anyone tell me?

    Emilly Steins.

  2. What a great interview. I'm getting excited about the inauguration and I'm not even Dutch! I hope it will be shown here in the U.S. or come out on DVD. Many, many thanks to John for the long translation and to Sue for all her hard work in keeping up this site.

  3. This is what André says about the piece on his Website ... "The waltz begins with an exciting opening fanfare and is based on popular Dutch national songs. All the radio DJ's just loved the waltz, and so did the audience... the waltz reached the gold status in less than 24 hours!!"

  4. Steph Padgett05 April, 2013

    Fantastic to read the interview translated. Thank you so much John and Sue for your hard work with it. Hope its shown in the UK.

  5. okay, so it's a medley.
    Thanks for clearing that up for me!

    Emilly Steins
