You may have to X The Parlor out to watch it because of the music on The Parlor, click on Return To Parlor when you're done.
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Turn up Your Sound And Clap Your Hands!!!
Note in the very beginning you'll see Pierre in the orchestra! You can only wonder what he thinks of his Dad out there Rapping. ;-)
Note in the very beginning you'll see Pierre in the orchestra! You can only wonder what he thinks of his Dad out there Rapping. ;-)
Thanks to Sonja and Bobbie!
I love it! What a good sport he is !!!!! who else would have had the courage to do this ? Adele
I think I tried to watch this a few years ago, but the computer I had at the time, or internet connection, wouldn't play it. I'm glad I was able to watch it this time, and had a good laugh. I wonder if Pierre ran away after that - we're glad he came back! Yeah, the waltz suits Andre much better, but what a good sport! ~Chris T.
Ohhhh Sue, here comes my famous "OH MY GOD" again!
I think it's much more than cute!
Before we have the Maastricht II DVD, I can play this clip again and again just for fun.
Sonja, can you dig out more old stuff when you have a moment please? :D
I love this!! He's actually quite good. The look on his face at the end is priceless. You just have to admire his good natured fun-loving spirit. Kay
Thank you sue.I think andre is a beautiul human being.I laighed at it when I saw that.I wonder what his crew was thinking.
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