For everyone that's going to be going to the Red Rose Cafe on Friday, you better start brushing up on the lyrics for the "Sing a long!" Here's the link on Translations where Sonja has them in Dutch and English.
♦The Red Rose Cafe Lyrics/Photos
There will be a group of us going to the Cafe for lunch on Friday (June 27th) . Ineke mailed the owner and they know we are coming. Ineke said lunch can be very Dutch "broodje bal, broodje kroket", (roll with meatball, or roll with "kroket") or something like that. :)
Here's last years Maastricht Photoshow from the fans who were there. ♦Maastricht 2007 Photoshow
And to get you even more in the mood, here's a link to Ruud and Ineke's ♦Trip To The Red Rose Café