Saturday ~ Although it was raining quite heavily, the Sydney audience was undeterred. André wiped the Strad dry with a handkerchief while he waited for the crowd to be seated as they had been waiting in the aisles hoping the rain would ease. He then played “Singing in the Rain” together with the JSO. While he very patiently waited for the crowd to be seated, the cameras had panned in on a few rows of people wearing dark coloured ponchos and André joked about having a monastery attend the concert. He then blessed them and began an ecclesiastical chant, much to everyone’s amusement After a few more numbers, André surprised himself by sneezing unexpectedly. He pretended to wipe his nose on his sleeve and then burst into laughter. The rain stopped and the concert began, wowing the audience as usual. André was alerted that more rain was imminent, so he cancelled the intermission and played straight through to the end, telling the audience to take off their ponchos (but leave the rest on) and get up and dance. Sure enough, the rain returned but everyone was having such a great time that it didn’t interfere with the fun.
Friday evening was also sensational and although there was thunder and lightning up until one hour before, not a drop fell during the concert, so obviously Clara had been sent an abundance of sausages. After the concert, when most of the crowd had left, André suddenly appeared back on stage and announced that he was having a photoshoot with everyone connected to the concert involved. The coach and horses, skaters, debutantes, ballet, bagpipers, soloists, Roos, Pierre, Kerstin and her baby daughter, Alan Jones and even the stadium stage hands were all asked to be in the photos. Much to our surprise the remaining audience was asked to also stay and take their own photos as they wished. It was like a dream come true when André donned his spectacles and directed everyone into position. The only price we had to pay was to stay low and out of the way of the camera. Mirusia had us in stitches as she was suspended from the roof wearing her angel gear once again and she decided to ‘snow angel’ while waiting. André then asked for a round of applause for the stage hands and this startled one of the horses. Luckily the footmen were able to settle it down. It all goes to show just how giving André is.
We shall certainly miss him when he leaves to go back, but the memories will stay with us forever. Over to you Brisbane…
ALL Photos Are The © Property of Angela except the one of Kirsten's new baby girl "Ayko", that was taken by Beate at the same Photo shoot.