"It Will Be Twins!"
To his own surprise André Rieu is a real Opa, who proudly Twitters the pictures of his first grandson Ivan. Just barely being used to being a
Bompa, he is now preparing for the arrival of not just one but two more grandchildren!
Son Pierre and his wife Eefke are expecting twins in the beginning of November 2009. Due to his enthusiasm André let this family secret slip out prior to his concert in the Amsterdam ArenA (Sept. 5th 2009).Waddling around with his stomach protruding, both hands on his sides and an ugly face, André imitates his pregnant daughter-in-law. "That's how Eefke walks right now. She is almost 7 months pregnant and very, very big. Logical, because she'll give birth to twins in Nov. Up until now everything is alright. A sonogram was done. I don't know if they are boys or girls, or if the parents know. No idea. Pierre wants to be surprised but Eefke wanted to know. Marjorie and I want to be surprised.
I never thought that I would be so involved in enjoying my grandson. When I heard that Andrea (my other daughter in law) was pregnant, I was delighted. But I doubted if I would be a good "bompa" as we say here in Limburg. Well, now I know. I am a fantastic opa. Do you know that I enjoy my grandchild even more than my own children. The advantage is that you have all the pleasures, and not the worries.
As soon as I smell a dirty diaper, I return him to his parents or to "Bomma" (Oma) Marjorie. No, I have never changed his diaper, and that will never happen. I like to play and romp with him, just to look
at his face, admire and to really enjoy him. After a good two months, he’s starting to recognize us. Every day is more fun, and I see him often, despite my very busy schedule and making all the arrangements.
I posted a picture of Ivan on Twitter. What do you think? 20,000 views! I can't even achieve that myself! You see, that is how a real Opa is supposed to be. I am extremely proud of my grandson. And then, in a while, two more little ones! It will be busy in the Rieu house with all the attention on the children. Does not matter: there is enough room in our house and in our hearts!"
André Rieu himself cannot complain about the attention and interests in him. Next weekend he will again perform in the Amsterdam ArenA w
ith his successful show "A romantic night in Vienna", in which the big décor of the Schönbrunn Castle will not be lacking. The décor is the same, the fountains and the castle, but the program will be different. I dare to say: “There will be a surprise for the audience. A Viennese night with this time, ice dancers from Holiday on Ice. Previously I had figure skaters in my show, but never from the world renowned Holiday on Ice, although they were always
approachable. I think that this cooperation will lead to more, for instance a Christmas concert on skates or something like that. Things like that always have to grow in my mind, collaborations like that. The right feeling has to be there, and that was the case with the Holiday on Ice team. Who knows, maybe I'll start skating myself in future, but I'll have to take some lessons first. I think there are enough beautiful ladies from the ensemble who would like to teach me. My skating skills never advanced other than what I did on the little ditch. I did not dare to do any spinning around or crossing over".
Even before the twins are born, André will go on tour in Germany, and later on is followed by Australia and New Zealand. He’ll be back on November, to subsequently perform in France. "Afterwards I'll be home, so I will be able, as soon as the twins are born, to travel to and fro. I hope that they will not be born while I am in Australia, because then it is impossible to fly home quickly. Our schedule will not allow that since we perform there almost every night".
The busy life of a waltz king with at least 120 concerts a year, determines his daily schedule. There is not a lot of time left over to relax. "The only way for me to relax is to sleep. I can sleep anywhere and anytime and that is a real advantage. You will not make me happy with a dinner out or something like that. Due to my tight schedule, I have dinner before the concert, followed by a powernap; I am used to eating at 5 o'clock. If friends call me at 9 pm and ask: “Shall we have dinner in town? That does not fit into my daily routine. I said sleeping is my relaxation, but I do most of relaxation on stage. There everything sheds off of me and I am only there for the music. In fact my work is actually my way to relax, really!
Translation by Ineke/John
1 comment:
That's André! He's so honest to admit he'd pass the baby with a dirty diaper to someone else. So funny! But I think the sweetest thing is that he has enough room in his heart! Oh, so happy for the Rieu family!
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