Hi Ineke ...
André & his Orchestra are finally on their way to our shores and all is set for a great SA Tour!
We would like to make sure ALL André Rieu fans are aware of the fact that all tour arrangements are still on track. Despite the disruption of air travel in Europe due to Volcanic Ash, the Set and Production crew have already arrived in South Africa and is currently busy building and setting the stage. As for André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra, alternative travel plans were made and they are on their way.
I have attached the most recent *press release on his multi-platinum status in SA (he is getting a Biiiig award on Sunday as he has sold over 300,000 DVDs in SA) – feel free to use information from it.
Lastly, there are still tickets available for all his concerts via Computicket (www.computicket or 083 915 8000) - for those who have not booked yet! Please spread the word!!
Kind Regards, Anneke van der Westhuizen - Hunta Live
*We posted this link the other day, but here again is the Press Release with the New Concerts that have been added to the tour.►http://www.artlink.co.za/news_article.htm?contentID=24468
From the press release:
>>Universal Records have just announced that his DVD sales in South Africa have reached multi-platinum status, something very few international artists have ever achieved and will be presenting André Rieu with a special award during his Sun City performance.
"It is with great pride that we will be able to present André with a multi platinum sales award when he returns to South Africa this week. By multi platinum I mean 15 times platinum! This equates to sales of over 300 000 DVDs in South Africa. This is a huge milestone for any artist to reach and is a great achievement," says Chris Venter, Head of Strategic Marketing at Universal Music. <<
The astounding achievements just keep on coming. Last I heard, Andre had hit platinum 246 times, and that was before "Forever Vienna" was released in the United Kingdom. One wonders how high he will get. What's he at now? 275 times platinum? Simply amazing, don't you think?
Al Girard
Amazing, yes Al, but also very logical. Music that appeals to such a wide audience. To someone like me, with a very ‘classical upbringing’ , but also to the millions who would never normally listen to this kind of music.
He is doing for classical music what Pavarotti did for opera; bringing it to the people; they love it and their lives are richer for it.
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