Last Concert of The April Tour
The first leg of the Spring Tour in the States here is over now and it seems André ended it with a bang! I talked to Ruth who was at the Miami Concert last night . She said it was a full house and even better than Jacksonville ~ André was jumping and dancing on the stage and even added a couple of songs to the encores! She also told the cutest concert story of Andre's I've ever heard ...
During the encores, a man was standing in front of the stage holding his little boy (that Ruth said looked about two years old.) The little boy had a toy violin and as his dad was holding him he was playing it in front of André while André was playing a song ... Then André, seeing this little boy playing his toy violin reached down, took him from his father, lifted him up onto the stage and stood him next to him ... They continued to play together, the little boy playing his violin standing side by side right along with André, moving his bow on his toy violin right in time with the music. At the end of the song, André took his hand and they bowed together ...André then picked him up laughing and said, "who does he belong to?" And then handed him back down to his father ... Thanks Ruth!
Oh, that is just Precious! That is one of the first things I loved about Andre was how sweet he was with Akim. I would love to have seen that spontaneous encore with the little boy and can't wait to see the picture!
~Chris T.
Isn't that the cutest story Chris?
It brought tears to my eyes when Ruth was telling me! I said to her right away, "wait, I have to write this down. I know the fans will love reading this story!"
I could just picture it all when she was telling me about it. We have found a picture of it and it will be emailed to me later today and I will post it. :)
Wow, what a wonderful story!!
What a sweet story! Andre will be a very loving grandpa someday!
André sure knows how to connect with his fans. This was such a nice thing for him to do. Is it known who the little boy and his father are so they can be sent a picture also?
-Marilyn S.
Hi Sue and everyone. I just sent the photos of the little boy with Andre to Sue. I was so lucky to be stanindg right next to the father of the boy and could get some photos. I sent about 12 or so and Sue can pick as many as she wants to post. Andre was so UP last night and so were we. After the concert Clyde and went to Andre's hotel and it was very quiet in the bar. About an hour later (I just had a feeling) I saw Andre's bodyguard come in an look around. We pretended we didn't even know him. Then we saw the JSO come in one by one, even the girls and then the man himself. Well I was just so thrilled and we just sat there and did not bother anyone. He stayed about 1/2 hour, had something to drink and then left for his room. What a neat ending to the night. He looked soooo handsome and as usual my stomach was doing flip flops especially after that great concert. This morning after we checked out of our hotel we went over to Andre's hotel and sat in the lobby for over two hours. We spoke to Johann for a few minutes. We didn't bother anyone, Bela came in and smiled and waved. But we saw all of them with their bags waiting to get on the bus. Then down comes Andre from the elevator. Oh he looked so good. I just saw and looked and tried to get a few photos with my cell. Then we watched him say goodbye to his orchestra and he got on the bus and left. Another treat!! I will be sure to send Sue all the photos I took at both concerts. The three of us had a marvelous time as we always do. Ruth is such a joy to be with.
Love to all
Jeanine Ann
What a wonderful write-up of the last concert, Jeanine Ann. And what a treat to see the unexpected scene with the small boy. I bet we all wish we had been there. Did they show it on the big screens? Were there any pictures taken by the JSO photographer? That would be fun to see in NEWS.
I look forward to seeing your pictures. And next month, they come again. Lucky us!!!
Safe drive home.
How fun it would have been to be there and see that! Thanks for being quick on the draw, Jeanine! Look how much the JSO ladies are enjoying it. (Jeanine, did you get my email? I know you're busy trying to catch up after traveling and may not have had time to answer...) ~Chris T.
What a lovely super sweet scene!
Unfortunately it's quite difficult asking my dad to hold me up in front of the stage!
You girls sure have lots of golden memories. I'm happy for you!!(bear hug!!)
Hi to everyone!! I am still in Tampa and we are working our way home. We had car problems on our way down. Luckily we made it to St. Augustine and found a great garage. It was the transmission and will add over 2,000 more to our trip. These things happen but we rented a car and our van should be ready tomorrow so we can pack it up and start for home. I will be home Friday and then I will write up a complete report of both concerts and send ALL the photos I took. Sue can then post them or make up a photo show. She is so great at doing that. I got a lot of good photos of Andre. When we saw him at the hotel he was standing right across from our chairs but all I had with me was my cell phone so I don't know how the photo is.
Chris I did not get your email but I have not picked up mail today. Not everyone has internet access but they do here so I will check. Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and I cannot wait for A.C. to see those of you who will be there.
My love to all.
Gorgeous story! Can you imagine what will happen at future concerts now - rows of parents at the edge of the stage, holding up small kids with toy violins!!! This father has set a precedent, methinks!
WOW!!! what a great story and even better that you were handy with the camera, Janine.
That man is a 'treasure'.
Thanks for posting, Sue
Cheers to all
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