By NAN from Tampa!
Click on the link below to read all about Nan's experience at
her very first concert with André in Tampa, Florida.
Because it is longer than most posts, I made a separate page for it.
Thank you Nan for sending this to us, I really enjoyed reading your
account of seeing André in concert for the "First Time!"
♦ Click Here For Nan's Full Concert Report ♦
Hi Nan, Thanks for your great story! It was nice to hear that Andre said to let you have your picture when you were being sent away. Who else does that??? Will you be sending in your pictures? ~Chris
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your comments about my article of my first live concert with Andre Rieu. Since this was my first concert, I do not have that many photos. We were in row 20, so some of the photos were not as clear as being up closer to the stage. Also, my photos are probably like the ones already posted in the "Parlor". My "myspace account" is under NAN, so give me a jingle and we can work something out for you to see any of my other photos. The one of Andre' standing in the isle was just so unique and was blessed that I could catch a photo of him in the isle. Thanks to Suzanne for posting my article and photo. GOD BLESS, and thank you. NAN from Tampa
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