million viewers, which is an enormous honour. This is a new milestone in my career!" said Rieu, who had the opportunity to talk to Queen Elizabeth; "I shook her hand and spoke to her briefly. She was very friendly and told me that she enjoyed the beautiful melodies a lot"."A performance for the Queen of England and having the opportunity to share the stage with such great stars in front of more than 12
We had the stories to post about this, but we did not have a picture to go with the stories ... André has now provided the above picture on his Website and what a great picture it is!! ►André Rieu Website
fantastic ! thanks for posting it.
Isn't that just the best picture Adele!?! I don't usually put pictures on here that André has on his Website, but I wanted this one recorded on The Parlor too because it's so Great. The Queen really looks like she is very pleased to meet André and I bet she really enjoyed his music!! :)
Judging from the smile on her face, I'd say Her Majesty is a new fan ;). And doesn't André look handsome? I'm not sure which one looks happier.
What a great picture! It looks like both of them had a very pleasant evening!
This photo is a real keeper - I don't think I've ever seen the Queen quite so animated, and Andre is just his usual handsome self.I watched the show on TV on NY's Eve in NZ and Andre and the JSO were definitely the best act. I know I am ever so slightly biased, but the British audience agreed with me.
I wished the Dutch Queen Beatrix would like to attend an Andre concert! He is such a great ambassador for Holland and Holland's best export product during several years!!
And Maxima!! I am sure she will love Andre's music. Guys, do you know who is Maxima?? (a little riddle)
It rings a bell, Ineke, but I can't place it. Please tell us!
Isn't it wonderful that Andre has finally made a breakthrough in the UK? So close to Holland and in the past only recognized by a minority of the citizenry. It must have been a delight to be there. He is such a fantastic showman as well as musician and bringing the waltzers was a stroke of genius.
She is the 'Princess" Ineke. :)
Yes Sue, you are right. Maxima is the pretty Argentinian wife of our Crown Prince Willem Alexander. He will be the next King of Holland, after Queen Beatrix.The couple has three lovely daughters and they live in Den Haag (my hometown).
Andre is a very handsome man ❤..be still my beating heart!!
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