My husband told me he had won the tickets to the Carmen Nebel show…. Hahaha, what a joke!!!
A Mr Teufelsdorfer from ZDF called my parent’s house and he said that the people at ZDF(German TV station) would like to surprise me. He said they liked
the show from 37 degrees very much. (Show which followed Mone last summer during her trip to a concert in Maastricht) My parents referred the TV people to my husband and they decided to act as if my husband had participated in a lottery and won the tickets to the Carmen Nebel show.
The tickets arrived by mail. I even opened the letter and everything looked normal.
Well, Then that big shock that came during the show. I swear that I knew nothing until Carmen stood in front of me. Even when they played the video of 37 Degrees did I not suspect anything, I just thought what a funny coincidence….. How naïve can one be. But my husband is also a very good actor.
Wow then I stand face to face with HIM … I will never forget that feeling.
A Mr Teufelsdorfer from ZDF called my parent’s house and he said that the people at ZDF(German TV station) would like to surprise me. He said they liked

The tickets arrived by mail. I even opened the letter and everything looked normal.
Well, Then that big shock that came during the show. I swear that I knew nothing until Carmen stood in front of me. Even when they played the video of 37 Degrees did I not suspect anything, I just thought what a funny coincidence….. How naïve can one be. But my husband is also a very good actor.
Wow then I stand face to face with HIM … I will never forget that feeling.
I received three kisses (Dutch style) from him and we sat down on the couch.
Very close together. *sigh*
Very close together. *sigh*
Instead of the plain water they offered I asked for a beer *laugh* Carmen first was shocked.
The words “I cannot believe it, now she also requires a beer” I will never forget.
But with much difficulty they did get it for me. (My husband in the audience)
Andre then felt my knee to see if it was trembling. But it was not, however my hands were soaking wet, which he determined with a big smile.
Carmen took the long desired picture of Andre and myself. When he had his arm around me I noticed through my blouse that his hands were cold. So I took his hand and I said to him “I think one must take advantage of the situation and get as much body contact as possible”. *grin*
Then we chatted a bit and I was able to look into his eyes time and time again. (He had mascara on his eyelashes) From so close he does look very different. But I think he looks even MUCH better.

The climax came when Andre asked me to dance. My husband knows what I terrible dancer I am. But when the people from the TV called him and asked him if I can dance he boldly told them “Yes”. I will not forgive him for that!!!
Nevertheless it was an indescribable experience to dance with Andre. It also actually went quite smoothly. I think I only stepped on his feet once. Oh well, he will survive it. *grin*
He pulled me very close against him during the dancing, WOW, what a feeling. And when in the end he made the very fast turns, I was completely dizzy, however he took me firmly by the arm.
I have experienced it all as if through a fog, but slowly it starts to sink in that
it really did happen. Then it was already over *sob* I think it was absolutely adorable that he brought me back to my seat and even shook my husband’s hand.
Anyway, that night I could not sleep. And after the show my husband and I stayed at a bar until 3:00AM and drank one beer after the other and talked about the whole show again. I am still not quite back to reality.
Anyway, that night I could not sleep. And after the show my husband and I stayed at a bar until 3:00AM and drank one beer after the other and talked about the whole show again. I am still not quite back to reality.

I will also still get a signed CD from him in a few days and all the pictures that the ZDF photographer took. They will have Andre sign the best one and they will send that to me.too.
Something like this one only experience once in a lifetime.
In a little while my parents will stop by and then we will watch the show again together.
When I was on the couch next to Andre I thought that my parents did not know a thing. And I thought if they knew they would fall dead from their couch.
Great, once in my life I sit next to Andre and I think of my parents. *Laugh*
So … that was my story. Many friendly greetings from the still floating Mone, who certainly will need a few more days….weeks…..months…..years…* laugh*
to come back down from the clouds.
Watch Mone Dancing With André!
Wow, what a wonderful story!!
I loved to read it!!
Simone was the lucky one, but we all feel happy for her and we appreciate so much she wanted to share her story with us!!
An amazing Fairytale story!!
I have told you before Mone, we all live our daydream through your story now ... I too thank you for sharing it with all of us!
Sue :)
Thanks Mone for sharing this with us. André should include this part of the Carmen Nebelshow as an extra on the Fairytale dvd, a fairytale came through!
Dear Simone,Thank you for sharing your wonderful "Cinderella" story with us. Your husband must be a great guy to help arrange all this for you. We are all very happy for you! And I agree with Hans, it should be an extra on the new DVD. Eileen
Dear Mone
It was fun meeting you at the picnic in Maastricht last summer and little did we know then what would happen. You lived the dream for all of us and we so appreciate you writing the story so I could translate it for all fans to read.
I think Andre will remember it too, he clearly had a good time teasing you a little.
Thank you very much and we all hope to see you in Maastricht again, so we can touch you and have it rub off a little :-)]
How silly we all are a 58 year old
happily married sex symbol but what fun are we having with it.
how very nice of you to share your feelings, your thoughts, and your experience with us. I so enjoyed reading your story.. as for the mascara.. well..well.... !
What a beautiful story. I am so happy for Simone. It must have been wonderful being so close to André. I wish for the same beautiful dream for all of us fans. I could not sleep either after reading about it. It was so exciting. My best to Simone
Jeanine Ann :)
It's amazing that we were watching Simone in an "European" video clip not too long ago and now she seems much closer thru' the web and we're "chatting" like friends..... a great side-effect of loving Andre's music..."Friends Around the World". Thank you Sonja for the speedy work!
I am reading the story again and again...... I loved the inside information Simone told us. So Simone, you called yourself a lousy dancer and you only stepped on Andre's feet once?? That is a wonderful achievement! I think he was a good leader (we know he is) and then you can dance, even if you cannot!!
Love, maybe I see you again in Cologne or Maastricht.
Dear Mone,
Everytime I hear the "Cinderella Waltz" from now on, I will always remember you waltzing with Andre!!
I enjoyed "37 Degrees" when it was posted, Mone, and this is even more fun. Your dancing was just great and you made Andre's dancing look good, too. It was fun seeing ZDF doing all that filming last summer. Let's hope that they will do a sequel next July. And I agree...it would be a wonderful bonus track on a DVD. If it's too late for Efteling, it would be wonderful on the Vienna II DVD, which I hope is in the works. (It was broadcast over ZDF last summer!] And the story in your own words was the frosting on the cake. Terrific.
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