Here are some pictures and a little report on the concert from Simone.
They had the Clog Dance and André did the clog Dance with them! While the girls were dressing again into thier normal clothes the boys had a party on the stage. And during this party Franco was holding up the sign with André's picture and telephone number on it! ;-) Very funny.
It was a FANTASTIC concert! I love his new program. For me it was nearly the best he ever had.We had very good seats in the 3rd row exactly in the middle. André was in a very good mood. He smiled and made jokes the whole time. The time ran too quickly during the concert and I couldn't believe when I heared the "Radetzkymarsch" that the concert is nearly over. ~ Simone
Photos by ©SimoneClick on ►THE PARLOR'S PHOTO ALBUM to seeALL of Simone's Photos of the New Years Day Concert.
Thanks to Simone for the review and great pictures.
Another great tour concert to look forward to.
And wonderful to see Carmen still with them. I hope she continues for a long time. She got some great reviews in Australia.
Hi Simone,
Must have been a great concert!! I love the New Years Concerts. Ruud and I purchased tickets for next year Cologne: January 1st in 2010. Maybe we'll see you there!!! I think we'll also see you in Maastricht!
Have a nice day!
I have heard for years how great those New Year's concerts are. My youngest son works for a German company and may get a transfer in a year ot two. I am tempted to buy some tickets...just in case.
He goes over for two weeks soon and I wish I could go along to take in some of the German concerts.
I will be joining him and his family for the May Detroit concert and that will have to suffice for the present.
Thank you, Simone
I, too, am happy to see Carmen still with them and hope she will be here with the American tour! Would love to see all the sopranos here again, but know that will not happen!
Thanks Simone, Hey, did anyone try that phone number to see who answers?
It's nice to hear that after all the concerts you've attended, the newest one is still the best. ~Chris T.
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