André Rieu and Barbara Wussow Dancing The Ländler
Last week we received a notification from the Efteling Theatre that during the Christmas Holidays they will be showing the musical, "The Sound of Music".
We thought we would add a video of "The Sound of Music" with André from the 2001 Austrian show "Zauber der Musik" (the Magic of The Music). On it you will see a rare occasion of André dancing as he dances the "Ländler"with Barbara Wussow. And his dancing is not bad compared to the original 1965 movie! ~ Ineke and RuudIneke and Ruud have posted this because they are going to the 'Sound of Music' in December over the holidays. When you go on their site you can click on the promo of it to look at what it is they'll be seeing.
Click On The Link and Enjoy! ►Ineke/Ruud's Movies
I LOVE this video ~ Great job Ruud!
And André looks so handsome dancing ... he should do it more!!
Thanks Ineke and Ruud! Sue :)
Thanks so much for that Ineke and Ruud, and to Sue for posting it, that scene from the movie has always been a huge favourite of mine and now to see Andre dancing it is the icing on the cake!!!!!
Oooops, was so caught up in the moment I didn't add my name to the above.... Dee from sunny Perth
How wonderful. Thanks so much Ineke and Ruud. I have a copy of that Zauber der Musik show and it's fantastic...but absolutely marvelous with the subtitles. I especially enjoyed the skirt unwrapping when I couldn't understand a word he/they were saying. Super idea to give us access to these wonderful movie clips. And isn't Andre a fantastic dancer?
You are the best. (And thanks Sue for posting the link.)
This is just fantastic! Thanks so much Ineke, Ruud and Sue. What a beautiful dance this is and what a wonderful dancer André is. I agree, Sue, he should do it more. Kay
Oh Yes! This video is very interesting, it'll be even more lovely if André danced with Julie Andrews!
What a delightful video!! Loved it! Thank you Ruud, Ineke and Sue.
I also loved this clip !
There's such a treasure trove from Andre's stage background that we, relatively new fans, from Downunder have never seen.
Thanks so much ,Ineke and Ruud, and Sue for posting.
Andre dances well.
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